Shattered Oasis v2.0 released

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The people responsible for the Shattered Oasis mod for Unreal Tournament decided to redo the mod entirely. Here's the update from Toothless

<blockquote>If you've followed SO from our last release in August of last year you'd know we rebuilt SO adding in bot support and some other fancy things, but you'd also know that half the code was rewritten for a second time from October until now.
This time we got it right! SO is designed to be a fast paced easy to pick up and play game with a small learning curve. What we found though is the more you play it the more ways you could play the game emerged. Satisfying our playing habits.

With this release we are offering 4 modes of play
Online DM
Online Team Survival
Offline DM
Offline Team Survival

We Tried desperatly to save our beloved cow for this release but decided that the Sandcow would be best used in the upcoming UT2004 version of SO.
With that being said we focused primarily on stability and netcode for more then 3 months so be assured it runs smoother then a baby's bottom.
So enjoy and we would love to hear your thoughts on the game as it stands, if any problems arise that warrant a patch we will be patching this version. If there is enough of a player base for this UT2003 version then we will be continuing dev on it.</blockquote>

Link: Shattered Oasis homepage
Link: Shattered Oasis mod (202 MB)

Spotted this at DaC