Still Mildly Glowing

Thats understandable. By the way I was thinking of making this character the soon to be father of my old glory character. Well here goes.
Name: Anthony (Tony) Garcia
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: shaggy, dark hair light brown eyes with eyeglasses, Merc troublemaker outfit.
Weapon(s): Combat Shotgun, Dart Gun
Item(s): 2 stimpacks, 1 dirty water, dart gun schematics
SPECIAL: optional
Bio: Born among the Blackfoot tribe in Arizona. He picked up combat skills by sparring with his fellow tribals. However Tony was more interested in studying pre war books than fighting, which always earned him strange looks from his friends, especially since they were constantly at war with other tribes. One night, when he was just 14 years old, he snuck away from the tribe along with his good friend Henry. They decided to head west for the NCR. During their travels they encountered a roving raider gang. Henry decided to distract them while Tony escaped, despite Tony's many protests. As he ran, he heard no gunshots behind him. So he assumed that either Henry was safe or the Raiders had beaten him and dragged him away. Alone now, Tony traveled for months until he reached the NCR. However he struggled to find a home or a job. So he is planning to travel east. And keep traveling until he finds a sustainable life. All he needs now are a few caps to start out with for supplies.
Name: Anthony (Tony) Garcia
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: shaggy, dark hair light brown eyes with eyeglasses, Merc troublemaker outfit.
Weapon(s): Combat Shotgun, Dart Gun
Item(s): 2 stimpacks, 1 dirty water, dart gun schematics
SPECIAL: optional
Bio: Born among the Blackfoot tribe in Arizona. He picked up combat skills by sparring with his fellow tribals. However Tony was more interested in studying pre war books than fighting, which always earned him strange looks from his friends, especially since they were constantly at war with other tribes. One night, when he was just 14 years old, he snuck away from the tribe along with his good friend Henry. They decided to head west for the NCR. During their travels they encountered a roving raider gang. Henry decided to distract them while Tony escaped, despite Tony's many protests. As he ran, he heard no gunshots behind him. So he assumed that either Henry was safe or the Raiders had beaten him and dragged him away. Alone now, Tony traveled for months until he reached the NCR. However he struggled to find a home or a job. So he is planning to travel east. And keep traveling until he finds a sustainable life. All he needs now are a few caps to start out with for supplies.