Shelter: a post-nuclear roleplaying game

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
shihonage has been posting on our forums to discuss his project, Shelter, which has been in the works since 1999 and was once announced on NMA in 2001. It's back in the works now, while shihonage is developing his engine and temporarily using graphical assets from Fallout and Fallout: Tactics. What's interesting is that he now tossed together a short demo video to show his engine really is operational, on top of a bunch of screenshots he released earlier.

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Link: Shelter teaser video on Youtube.
Link: Shelter thread on NMA.
What's up with the graphics man?! Looks like it was done in the 90's. How is this next gen?!

Heh seriously, you've done an impressive amount of work on that soldier. Congratulations. The teaser looks really nice, except I really wanted to see a few more seconds in the end there.... :wink:

Keep up the good work!
Looks very nice, though I'm bit worried. AFAIK F:T is retarded when irt comes to dialogue, i.e. doesn't allow dialogue trees?
monsharen said:
What's up with the graphics man?! Looks like it was done in the 90's. How is this next gen?!

Heh seriously, you've done an impressive amount of work on that soldier. Congratulations. The teaser looks really nice, except I really wanted to see a few more seconds in the end there.... :wink:

Keep up the good work!

the model for the soldier was ripped out of FO:T

whats impressive about this to me is that the door raised when he put the guards armor on. meaning that he was "in disguise." i love that kind of addition. it gives you more to work with in gameplay.

whats saddening to me, is that like you i also wanted to see a few more seconds, like combat seconds. it makes me think he doesn't have the combat worked out or it is buggy - but he plays it up making you think its all going to be there and leaving that open to your own mind, also ,the stats seemed a bit... uhhh.... primitive?
Why losing time on this nonsense?
Use the already done fallout engine....if the result equals
Ok I need to clarify a few things.

RE: primitive visuals.

Yeah I know you said it in good humor, but I will address this anyway. I'm not any acclaimed "game developer, just a guy. I have a regular 40 hour a week job. In addition to that, I am making this game. My goal is to have graphics that are enough to portray Fallout-1 level gameplay. If I go any farther I will get stuck on improving the visuals, like many projects before mine.

For instance, since I kept the engine simple, there's already a WYSIWYG editor inside the game which allowed my cousin to create the bunker from the video in 20 minutes or so.

RE: lack of combat in video

Combat was not ready for the video, but it is what I am working on right now. This front page business took me by surprise, and now I am hurrying up the development. I expect a short combat video in 2 weeks.

RE: dialogue trees and FO:T engine

This is not FO:T engine. It doesn't have a lot of its graphics features, but it also doesn't have to have its dialogue limitations.. I already worked out the dialog syntax, and dialogue parser is the next thing after combat.

RE: limited stats

I don't know if Shelter will have as many stats as Fallout, but it will have RPG-level stats, not Diablo-level stats. All the qualities from Fallout stats that I consider vital will be there (i.e. dumb dialogue/smart dialogue, weapon mastery, awareness type stats) The stat system is already in place, but it doesn't have a meaningful impact on the world. Combat will be the first thing to utilize stats properly. Same goes for item system - its present, but waiting for combat.

RE: square grid

Yeah, the game will use a square grid (unlike Fallout), and during combat, the diagonal movement will likely be forbidden to keep things even. Non-square tiles present too much of a technical problem for me, and I can't afford to let it suspend the development. Either way, a lot of games use square tiles in turn-based combat, even if they're mostly on handhelds nowadays. The important part is that combat should match the feel of Fallout combat, and I will work on it until it does.

RE: why lose time on this nonsense

Fallout modding has a lot of limitations, as does the Fallout engine itself. I am not "remaking Fallout". I am making a game that borrows all the stuff I LIKED about Fallout(stats, dialogue trees, ambiguous outcomes, hints of emergent gameplay), and shapes it into something new.
junkevil said:
monsharen said:
Heh seriously, you've done an impressive amount of work on that soldier.
the model for the soldier was ripped out of FO:T

Heh bad choice of words there. I was refering to him (the creator) as being a soldier having done so much tedious work on the engine. I know he ripped the graphics :wink:

I would love to take a look at a class diagram for this engine of yours...
Much respect for the work behind this. Looks like a fantastic start. These indie turn-based games are more interesting than the AAA multiplatform junk clogging the store shelves.
This looks intriguing, and it will run on my computer.

I just want to know, how will environment affect combat? One of the things I think is great in man TB/ISO is how terraint, altitude, and cover can affect combat rolls. Making it more tactical.

Will this game have that?
I am building on foundation of Fallout 1's combat, which was not very complex when it comes to things like cover and terrain. However it was complex in regards to things like shooting someone in the foot to make them move slower, or in the hand to cripple their aim.

Of course I have more ambitious ideas in mind, but I don't want to flaunt specific features that may be changed later on. One thing is for certain - combat will not be dull, and strategy will be involved. As to the exact means through which I plan to accomplish that, I don't want to talk until I can put the something where my mouth is, or however that phrase goes.

In the end, however, this game is not a tactical combat game, it is an RPG, meaning it has a wider scope, and hence the combat alone, while it may end up being less restrictive than Fallout's, will probably not match games that have a narrow, specific focus on just being excellent combat games.
Intriguing. Are you planning to use solely FO/FOT recycled graphics, or are you making new characters on your own?

I don't want to talk until I can put the something where my mouth is

I don't know yet, but either way, there's no brick wall that will suddenly prevent a release. It may go one out of two ways:

1) The game will require you to download some files from, then it will ask you to insert Fallout:Tactics disc and spend the next 30 minutes extracting content from it (a one-time installation thing).

2) A team of artists will replace all the graphical content with original lookalikes. This path is only realistic if we get to use artists from a bigger company if they become interested in "investing" into Shelter as a budget indie project (as a Steam product or something).

Either way the plan is to have a demo equal to "Fallout alpha" be released in 2008, and in all likeliness that demo will follow path 1).

Hey dude, my native language is Russian :)