Ok I need to clarify a few things.
RE: primitive visuals.
Yeah I know you said it in good humor, but I will address this anyway. I'm not any acclaimed "game developer, just a guy. I have a regular 40 hour a week job. In addition to that, I am making this game. My goal is to have graphics that are enough to portray Fallout-1 level gameplay. If I go any farther I will get stuck on improving the visuals, like many projects before mine.
For instance, since I kept the engine simple, there's already a WYSIWYG editor inside the game which allowed my cousin to create the bunker from the video in 20 minutes or so.
RE: lack of combat in video
Combat was not ready for the video, but it is what I am working on right now. This front page business took me by surprise, and now I am hurrying up the development. I expect a short combat video in 2 weeks.
RE: dialogue trees and FO:T engine
This is not FO:T engine. It doesn't have a lot of its graphics features, but it also doesn't have to have its dialogue limitations.. I already worked out the dialog syntax, and dialogue parser is the next thing after combat.
RE: limited stats
I don't know if Shelter will have as many stats as Fallout, but it will have RPG-level stats, not Diablo-level stats. All the qualities from Fallout stats that I consider vital will be there (i.e. dumb dialogue/smart dialogue, weapon mastery, awareness type stats) The stat system is already in place, but it doesn't have a meaningful impact on the world. Combat will be the first thing to utilize stats properly. Same goes for item system - its present, but waiting for combat.
RE: square grid
Yeah, the game will use a square grid (unlike Fallout), and during combat, the diagonal movement will likely be forbidden to keep things even. Non-square tiles present too much of a technical problem for me, and I can't afford to let it suspend the development. Either way, a lot of games use square tiles in turn-based combat, even if they're mostly on handhelds nowadays. The important part is that combat should match the feel of Fallout combat, and I will work on it until it does.
RE: why lose time on this nonsense
Fallout modding has a lot of limitations, as does the Fallout engine itself. I am not "remaking Fallout". I am making a game that borrows all the stuff I LIKED about Fallout(stats, dialogue trees, ambiguous outcomes, hints of emergent gameplay), and shapes it into something new.