Shocking FOOL non-news

TheSarge said:
Or a tweet from a guy who's uncle's cousin's sister's friend's mother's maid's brother in-law who says he's got a copy of the thing.
That would actually be his uncle's cousin's friends maid's brother in-law, wouldn't it? Or possibly his father.
Crni Vuk said:
That no one will do it of course "cause that is not what sells today" is somewhat certain.

I just say its not inherently impossible to imagine only cause its "online" or "multiplayer" to say that.
It still would be played by griefers and wannabe immortals, which kills any chance for a reasonable presentation of the Fallout setting.
if they managed to do something in the vein of EVE online it might actually be pretty fitting for the Fallout universe.

but I stand by what I've said from the begnning - it'll be some sort of WoW clone with next to nothing new to bring to the mmorpg table.
Ravager69 said:
Don't tell me that there's no way to do a MMO in the *Fallout Universe*

Especially since I'm playing a Fallout Online right now, there's a section of the forum set aside specifically for it...and it's given me the same feelings I used to get playing the originals.
Except for choices and consequences, deep quests, that uncanny feeling of loneliness, herds of pkers butchering everybody for no reason, hundreds of bluesuits running around everywhere, messy combat etc etc etc...?

Don't get me wrong, I really like FOnline...but I don't think it provides a real Fallout experience. It's close enough for me to like it ( closer than FO3 on certain aspects ) but a lot of elements are gone.
Genma:TheDestroyer said:
Ravager69 said:
Don't tell me that there's no way to do a MMO in the *Fallout Universe*

Especially since I'm playing a Fallout Online right now, there's a section of the forum set aside specifically for it...and it's given me the same feelings I used to get playing the originals.
Especially the part when Killian, Gizmo and Master respawned so that they wouldn't lose their hard work. Choices and Consequences!
Except for choices and consequences, deep quests, that uncanny feeling of loneliness, herds of pkers butchering everybody for no reason, hundreds of bluesuits running around everywhere, messy combat etc etc etc...?

Don't get me wrong, I really like FOnline...but I don't think it provides a real Fallout experience. It's close enough for me to like it ( closer than FO3 on certain aspects ) but a lot of elements are gone.

Same here, even if I am a fonline addict, the nature of a mmorpg, with lots of different people, different way of playing, tend to destroy the fallout spirit, at least the idea I have of it. But it is still an interesting experience, I am not sure Fool can do better. In fact, since it is a professional gaming aiming to do money, it surely will do worst...
Maybe when the fonline engine goes public, we will be able to create full conversion mod playable by a little team of chosen one, maybe against another little team of Kaga. Isn't Neverwinter doing something a little like this? I heard about it but I am not sure...
But due to the necessary time to make a TC, well, fool will probably went out first!