Some people have said that Fallout 3 should at least visit South California, places where Fallout 1 happened. I think that's good idea, because nostalgia is always fun, and I want to know what's happened to all those places. It shouldn't of course, be in South california only - it could, maybe, end there (or start there.). Anyway, what is your view of what South Cali would be like? Here are my thoughts:
1. Shady Sands. Well, we know what's happened to Shady Sands - it turned into good ol' NCR. Not muchm ore to tell about that, needn't we?
2. Hub. Well, as everyone knows, mutants most likely trampled over Hub - but still, holodisk you get in NCR tells that Hub is one of NCR states. Therefore, I figure it's was destroyed, nd then rebuilt. So:
Hub was, indeed, rebuilt, and quickly regained its position as center of trade. It grew rich and populous, and didn't think very long about joining when NCR was established - they would be protected by BoS and NCR army against threat of raiders, and central goverment could surely help in some projects benefitting trading. Hub also was treated light-handedly by central goverment (when it was established, getting Hub in was important) so certain laws, like those about drugs and weapons, aren't as well watched as in rest of NCR. Thus, Hub has became center of NCR underworld - it's not so large as to make it second New Reno or make underworld dominate it, though. So, Hub is center of trade and crime - very exciting place to visit, in other words.
3. Los Angeles. Los Angeles was ravaged a bit by stray mutants after blowing up of the Cathedral, but it's a big city - citizens dispersed and mutants eventally became disinterested and went to ravage Hub. However, mutants managed to mess things as much as to make Blades disperse - LA became again battle ground for rival gangs, until being pacified by NCR and eventually joining into it. LA is, thus, rather peaceful - in the top.
On the bottom, things are different. People are not at all pleased about large number of NCR army and police stationed in city - thus, birth of Los Angeles Republican Movement was eventuality. LARM considers LA to be large enough to sustain itself, and troops of NCR central goverment to be occupation army, sent to keep LA in line. Movement isn't largish thus far, bt has many sympathizers, and someone, say a wanderer of wastes, could certainly upset things as much as to lead to riots and terrorism, maybe even open rebellion.
Also, some of chemicals Enclave dumped have had effect - Los has large natural ghoul population, demanding its rights. Citizens are not at all pleased about these demands, be they NCR loyalists or LARM members. Another possible chance of violence there. There are stranger mutated things in LA too - after all, most of city is still in ruins, and who knows what lurks there?
4. Dayglow. The only non-human state of NCR, Dayglow was established by ghoul refugees of Necropolis who, considering the amount of radiation in there, moved to Glow and took control of military base. Ghouls are members of NCR, of course, but don't quite fit in - and tend to mainly take care of their own things. Also, they are doing some research about certain things - main issue, of course, being who to make ghouls breed. Another thing player could, uh, help in - and let's just say no-one wants to see THAT sex scene.
5. Maxson. Former BoS base, current city of Maxson - and still center of BoS. City is certainly dominated by large BoS complex which trains scientists and paladins - paladins patrolling borders of NCR with army, scientists making research for NCR. All looks well - again on the top.
And again, all is not good in bottom. BoS are no longer knights in shining armor - or rather, they are more realistical knights - they know they had large role in birth of NCR and still lots of undercover power, so when they go amongst normal people, they act just like you would except elitist to act - bullyingly, boisterousyl, expceting whole word to be in your servitude. This is in no way made better by fact that current leader of BoS is incompetent fool.
Incompetent fools breed potential power-grabbers, and there are two (rather secret) factions vying for power. One is horrified by state BoS has fallen into, and would like to make some serious reforms to recover the initial vision of BoS, while another considers that since BoS is de facto ruler of NCR, they should be de jure leaders as well - the evil empire, told in after-game sequence of Fallout 1 if you killed General Maxson.
Junktown - still independent! Compared to Shady Sands and Hyb, Junktown wasn't a big place - maybe that's why they didn't join NCR. They saw no potential gain, and they would have had to join state of Hub - horrors! Junkers were also proud of their goverment, and didn't feel need to change it. Thus, Junktown stayed independent, though continuing trade with NCR. In time, independence became creed of their thought.
However, lately things have begun to change. There has been gold found on nearby mountains, and with gold come gold-diggers - mostly NCR citizens, who'd want to join NCR while they are at it. Native Junkers disagree, and town is starting to look like pot ready to boil over - two factions both want control of city.
Well, um, that's all I can think up.
1. Shady Sands. Well, we know what's happened to Shady Sands - it turned into good ol' NCR. Not muchm ore to tell about that, needn't we?
2. Hub. Well, as everyone knows, mutants most likely trampled over Hub - but still, holodisk you get in NCR tells that Hub is one of NCR states. Therefore, I figure it's was destroyed, nd then rebuilt. So:
Hub was, indeed, rebuilt, and quickly regained its position as center of trade. It grew rich and populous, and didn't think very long about joining when NCR was established - they would be protected by BoS and NCR army against threat of raiders, and central goverment could surely help in some projects benefitting trading. Hub also was treated light-handedly by central goverment (when it was established, getting Hub in was important) so certain laws, like those about drugs and weapons, aren't as well watched as in rest of NCR. Thus, Hub has became center of NCR underworld - it's not so large as to make it second New Reno or make underworld dominate it, though. So, Hub is center of trade and crime - very exciting place to visit, in other words.
3. Los Angeles. Los Angeles was ravaged a bit by stray mutants after blowing up of the Cathedral, but it's a big city - citizens dispersed and mutants eventally became disinterested and went to ravage Hub. However, mutants managed to mess things as much as to make Blades disperse - LA became again battle ground for rival gangs, until being pacified by NCR and eventually joining into it. LA is, thus, rather peaceful - in the top.
On the bottom, things are different. People are not at all pleased about large number of NCR army and police stationed in city - thus, birth of Los Angeles Republican Movement was eventuality. LARM considers LA to be large enough to sustain itself, and troops of NCR central goverment to be occupation army, sent to keep LA in line. Movement isn't largish thus far, bt has many sympathizers, and someone, say a wanderer of wastes, could certainly upset things as much as to lead to riots and terrorism, maybe even open rebellion.
Also, some of chemicals Enclave dumped have had effect - Los has large natural ghoul population, demanding its rights. Citizens are not at all pleased about these demands, be they NCR loyalists or LARM members. Another possible chance of violence there. There are stranger mutated things in LA too - after all, most of city is still in ruins, and who knows what lurks there?
4. Dayglow. The only non-human state of NCR, Dayglow was established by ghoul refugees of Necropolis who, considering the amount of radiation in there, moved to Glow and took control of military base. Ghouls are members of NCR, of course, but don't quite fit in - and tend to mainly take care of their own things. Also, they are doing some research about certain things - main issue, of course, being who to make ghouls breed. Another thing player could, uh, help in - and let's just say no-one wants to see THAT sex scene.

5. Maxson. Former BoS base, current city of Maxson - and still center of BoS. City is certainly dominated by large BoS complex which trains scientists and paladins - paladins patrolling borders of NCR with army, scientists making research for NCR. All looks well - again on the top.
And again, all is not good in bottom. BoS are no longer knights in shining armor - or rather, they are more realistical knights - they know they had large role in birth of NCR and still lots of undercover power, so when they go amongst normal people, they act just like you would except elitist to act - bullyingly, boisterousyl, expceting whole word to be in your servitude. This is in no way made better by fact that current leader of BoS is incompetent fool.
Incompetent fools breed potential power-grabbers, and there are two (rather secret) factions vying for power. One is horrified by state BoS has fallen into, and would like to make some serious reforms to recover the initial vision of BoS, while another considers that since BoS is de facto ruler of NCR, they should be de jure leaders as well - the evil empire, told in after-game sequence of Fallout 1 if you killed General Maxson.
Junktown - still independent! Compared to Shady Sands and Hyb, Junktown wasn't a big place - maybe that's why they didn't join NCR. They saw no potential gain, and they would have had to join state of Hub - horrors! Junkers were also proud of their goverment, and didn't feel need to change it. Thus, Junktown stayed independent, though continuing trade with NCR. In time, independence became creed of their thought.
However, lately things have begun to change. There has been gold found on nearby mountains, and with gold come gold-diggers - mostly NCR citizens, who'd want to join NCR while they are at it. Native Junkers disagree, and town is starting to look like pot ready to boil over - two factions both want control of city.
Well, um, that's all I can think up.