Should I change my major? (English to Game Design)

I like pasta.

I'm definitely sticking with the English (creative writing type stuff). I have gotten extremely good praise from my creative writing professor. I'm going to stick with it, maybe write a novel, make money (ha! hahaha...).
Rufus Luccarelli said:
I have gotten extremely good praise from my creative writing professor. I'm going to stick with it, maybe write a novel, make money (ha! hahaha...).

Many are called; few are chosen. :P

If you've never seen The Shining, you should check it out. At the core it's a story about what it's like to be (and to be married to) a writer.
So... I'll go insane in a creepy hotel with ghosts from the 1920s as my only friends as I try to kill my family?

Highly unlikely, but I do know the horribleness that is "writer's block."
I've read over and over (whilst looking at gaming industry jobs, skills required type stuff) that good writing skills are one of the most important things to a successful career in gaming. I specifically remember seeing it about QA, but I'm sure it goes higher than that.
verevoof said:
:lol: Ha! So... how hard would it be to teach yourself programming. That is, if I wanted to (it'll give me something to do over the coming winter break).
Back in high school I secretly programmed 'Duck Hunt' onto my TI86 calculator during math classes. Learning to program is literally just learning a new language.
I used to be a Creative Writing major. Until I finally realized that I don't need a degree to write stuff. Now i'm going into the medical field.
Bah, do whatever you want. 2 years later, you just might come back and tell us it was all a big mistake and you should've taken something else entirely.

Well, you'll have more potential fields of jobs to apply to when you graduate if you get a English degree. Blogs, movies, games, news, broadcasting and etc, are all potential employers.