Should NMA post a Kickstarter to buy F1/F2 source code?


Vault Dweller
I wasn't sure where to post this thought, but given NMA has one of the most active modding forums for F1 and F2, might it be possible to attempt to buy the source code for F1 and F2 and then release it under GPL?

Given the popularity of Kickstarter and the Fallout franchise, and the age of the F1 and F2 games, might this be a feasible idea?
If you can get bethesda to agree to hand over the code should you reach reach some preset funding figure, then sure, why not. Good luck with that though; you're gonna need it. :p

Maybe if you aim for the bit after interplay lose their rights to the titles?

Edit: I'd be surprised if bethesda have enough rights to any third party code in fallout to allow you to gpl it in any case.
This is simply not going to happen. Kickstarter isn't going to make the difference from the 936 other times some kind of thing like this has been proposed.
You make it sound as if something like this happened already on Kickstarter, Per.

Not that I think it could work, just saying.
@Timeslip - Hmmm... what about an unfinished and unreleased game such as Van Buren?

@Per - Dreams do seem to die hard deaths don't they. ;)
As awesome as it would be, Bethesda is way too greedy to give up something like the FO1/2 source, even if we payed them. Unless we're talking a few mil, which I doubt we could get via Kickstarter.

But there may be hope: does Bethesda own the VB code, or, since it was never released, is it still Interplay's? Either way, they might be more willing to cough it up, seeing as it's for a game that was not, and will almost certainly never be, released for profit.
Everything Fallout belongs to Bethesda. Also if I remember correct, the Fo1/2 source can't be released, because of the used sound code, which was not made by Interplay and is not allowed to be made open source.
If you had permission from the 3rd parties, it might be easier. I think the audio code might be the issue.