I hate consoles, thank you for forcing developers to dumb down every game for the contards.
I never encountered a Deathclaw at the Supermarket.As for the deathclaw everyone is encountering at the supermarket,
Sander said:I never encountered a Deathclaw at the Supermarket.As for the deathclaw everyone is encountering at the supermarket,
Mztr44 said:I'm not sure if theres level scaling or not i've got over 20 hours in so far and have yet to find any areas that kick my ass. The hardest encounter i've had so far was at the very beginning of the game right after I left the vault, my first encounter in fact. I ran into a scavenger with a pet dog and a flamethrower. After that it was all molerats and dogs until I stumbled on Bigtown and got to fight some supermutants with nailboards and hunting rifles. Seven levels later i'm STILL encountering supermutants with nailboards and hunting rifles. I've fought a grand total of 3 supermutants with miniguns and one raider with a missile launcher.
Amer said:[spoiler:e5e42178d8]when i got to level 15 i got enclave patrols all over dc.[/spoiler:e5e42178d8]
ShatteredJon said:In fact, I lost the Outcast quest cause a group of wandering Enclave wiped out the leader.
I got a laser rifle at level 4, I believe. Haven't found a real better weapon yet.Hair6a11 said:One of the first encounters I had involved raiders and rocket launchers. I was freaked the hell out (because I was so pathetically equipped) until the raider blew himself and another up (fantastic). But it kind of trivialized the concept of having really powerful weaponry because I had a launcher so quickly. Yet I realize I was simply lucky as well. Anyway - it seems like people are having mixed results, perhaps depending on what area they're in.