Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Ok, I posted the IC thread, no need to post any characters here, you can begin a description of your character and his bio as the game progresses, the first post is a good place for that, you can even do it while introducing your character to the other characters in the mess hall.
The first part (PROLOGUE) has as objective to introduce the characters and have the characters know each other. This way the characters will have some time to develop some sort of relation (be it positive, negative or indifferent) among themselves before they arrive to the colony where the main story takes place.
So far what you need to know about the background is this: Humanity is in the middle of an interstellar war, in this context the group of characters are being sent on a spaceship to a isolated research colony to perform different activities, mainly guard duty, your character has just been drafted or transferred to a security detail on a far away planet. None of the characters has any knowledge as to what the research taking place in the colony is about.
You can post here any questions and a general description of what you would like your character to be like in the given context, but the main character development and description will take place on the IC.
Rather than explaining bios here, players are encouraged to describe their characters in the IC, some of those descriptions will be done by dialog, if you want to know more about other players or NPC's, ask them questions, all new discovered info will be updated in the Factbook thread.
Using this system will result in the information gathering being a part of the game. Some persuasion skills will come handy.
Feel free to notice things about the characters and places, and write them in the IC, as a player you are writing the story too.
To keep things organized I will update all info you need for the game (characters, locations, items) in the "Factbook" thread. The trhead will be locked, but you can check out the info there. Any questions you have please post them here.
If at any time during the game you think you are stuck as on how to fallow, please post here, I will try to help as much as I can. This is a rather free style of playing so, thing may get confusing sometimes, but don't give up!
Hope we can all have a lot of fun playing.
The first part (PROLOGUE) has as objective to introduce the characters and have the characters know each other. This way the characters will have some time to develop some sort of relation (be it positive, negative or indifferent) among themselves before they arrive to the colony where the main story takes place.
So far what you need to know about the background is this: Humanity is in the middle of an interstellar war, in this context the group of characters are being sent on a spaceship to a isolated research colony to perform different activities, mainly guard duty, your character has just been drafted or transferred to a security detail on a far away planet. None of the characters has any knowledge as to what the research taking place in the colony is about.
You can post here any questions and a general description of what you would like your character to be like in the given context, but the main character development and description will take place on the IC.
Rather than explaining bios here, players are encouraged to describe their characters in the IC, some of those descriptions will be done by dialog, if you want to know more about other players or NPC's, ask them questions, all new discovered info will be updated in the Factbook thread.
Using this system will result in the information gathering being a part of the game. Some persuasion skills will come handy.
Feel free to notice things about the characters and places, and write them in the IC, as a player you are writing the story too.
To keep things organized I will update all info you need for the game (characters, locations, items) in the "Factbook" thread. The trhead will be locked, but you can check out the info there. Any questions you have please post them here.
If at any time during the game you think you are stuck as on how to fallow, please post here, I will try to help as much as I can. This is a rather free style of playing so, thing may get confusing sometimes, but don't give up!
Hope we can all have a lot of fun playing.