[16:52:50] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[16:53:34] <+PlacidDragon> This question is for Nival from Whip-0
[16:53:42] <+PlacidDragon> How about your other franchises? Will we ever see an Evil Islands 2 or an Etherlords 3?
[16:54:59] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> Quite possibly, Ethelords and escpecially Evil Islands franchise are very nice game worlds, we're thinking of making new games in there

[16:55:10] * Entrou: |DuffMan|
[16:55:15] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[16:55:20] <+UFOPete> <Guest354> When will Sentinels be released in USA.
[16:55:57] * Saiu : |DuffMan|
[16:56:43] <@[JWD]Daniel> Encore Entertainment released Silent Storm in the US. For Sentinels we are still in negotiations.
[16:57:33] <@Slaughter> Estimate?
[16:57:35] <@[JWD]Daniel> But if we have it fix we'll announce it at our homepage and give the info to the forums
[16:57:57] <@[JWD]Daniel> I'm sorry but there's no eta yet.
[16:58:34] <@[JWD]Daniel> It's all still in negotiations.
[16:58:57] <@[JWD]Daniel> next
[16:59:00] <+blooshoo> Arach> Considering Turn Based is something of a niche genre now, how well has Silent Storm done on the market?
[17:00:21] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> If you ask us, it has received several Editor's Chices and high rating - 83 at the average
[17:00:39] * Saiu: Guest354 ([CS] Quit: Powered by the JavaSpike)
[17:01:16] <@[JWD]Daniel> Yep - Silent Storm got the best ratings from the Press.
[17:01:23] <+blooshoo> We all know its an awesome game I think he was aming more towards sales figures? (jowood guys??)
[17:01:27] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack>
[17:01:30] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:01:33] <+PlacidDragon> followup
[17:01:38] <+PlacidDragon> Has the number of S2 / S3 copies sold met your expectations?
[17:02:25] <@[JWD]Daniel> In Europe it performed well but it always could be better

[17:03:21] <@[JWD]Daniel> But the Gold Edition will come soon
[17:03:54] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> In Finland we had a sold-out with S2 and S3 %))
[17:04:47] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next?
[17:04:53] <+UFOPete> <Silvergryphon> A question for Stevesan as he is the German Project Manager: When will the German Seintiels patch be released?
[17:05:13] <@[JWD]Daniel> It is released =)
[17:05:16] * Saiu: mcrilly ([CS] Quit: Client Exiting)
[17:05:53] <@[JWD]Daniel> S3 V1.1 patch is availible for the EN version and the GER version
[17:06:08] * Saiu: Tema_i ([CS] Quit: )
[17:06:26] <@Slaughter> Next?
[17:06:32] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:06:33] <+blooshoo> me to anyone > With the high flexablilty of the Silentstorm engien IS there any plans for jowood and or nival to embrace future releases' mod community as another developers have (as far as hosting mod files and or websites and givimg -more- tech support and tools ?)Or is that beyond your current scope?
[17:08:36] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> We're planning to exercise these things (community and mod support) much betters, for sure
[17:08:43] <@[JWD]Daniel> We always have an "open ear" for the mod community.
[17:09:28] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> we'll strive make our modding tools as easy and understandble to common players as it's possible, while keeping their developer and creative force
[17:09:29] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:09:41] * Saiu: jiu-jitsu ([CS] Quit: )
[17:09:47] <+PlacidDragon> <Ib> Im from Norway, how come I havent heard of the game before now? Did scandinavians get overlooked in the marketing process?
[17:09:48] <@[JWD]Daniel> If they are going to contact us. (plex@jowood.com - community manager) He will answer and forward all questions regarding such things.
[17:11:08] <@Slaughter> (The Silent Storm: Sentinels patch Ger and Eng can be found here:
http://www.3dgamers.com/games/silentstorm/downloads/ )
[17:11:29] <@[JWD]Daniel> We are in negotiations with a distributor for the Scandinavian market. Hopefully there's a solution soon for this market.
[17:11:51] <@Ib> thanks

[17:12:05] <@Slaughter> Follow up
[17:12:25] <@Slaughter> How about advertising in general? Haven't seen many S2/S3 adds online...
[17:13:52] <@[JWD]Daniel> S2/S3 is a niche product. It's the best for a niche product to advertise in SI magazines.
[17:14:37] <@[JWD]Daniel> next
[17:14:52] <+UFOPete> Because there is no multiplayer in S2-S3 a good opponent for the player is needed so do you plan a better (faster and smarter) AI for your coming game?
[17:16:06] * Entrou: JR
[17:16:31] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> Sure, we're working on it, In Sentinels we've fixed some Ai thingies and impleneted better tactics. In our future TBS, we're going to push it even further. That's for sure.
[17:17:31] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> We have some interesting ideas and insights for this, we will experiment with them and will incorporate the best into our next generation products

[17:17:35] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:17:39] <+blooshoo> me to nival> Are their any plans to icorperate truely randomly generated encouters within future SS releases? as in not just 4 or 5 maps but with a map generated on spot for each map "section"? Is this possible with the current engien? (maybe something that was cut because of time constraints in coding such a thing?)
[17:18:37] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> It can be done with the current engine, but it's hard in terms of the game's story
[17:19:28] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> According to your feedback and testing, ppl like story-driven and tree-like scenraios
[17:19:59] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> That's what we did in Sentinels, they're more story-driven and players like it.
[17:20:00] * Nick has returned!
[17:21:02] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> We have ideas though about the random generated encounetrs and even more - returns to scenario locations with all the changes the player left in.
[17:21:24] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> all above in our next project
[17:21:27] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:21:28] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> just a few words to the random encounters from the producing side
[17:22:02] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> you always have to keep in mind the balance with producing a game. where do the costs go and when you have to meet the market.
[17:22:40] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> So it is by default very hard nowadays to get the time for fully scaled random encounter if you have a timeline to meet
[17:22:46] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> and thos things would really eat up time
[17:23:01] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> we discussed a few different options at the beginning which sounded very nice
[17:23:24] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> but it turned out that it would blow up the budget and timeline which is very tricky for both developer and publisher
[17:24:02] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> but with the feedback and the experience it will be easier to find a good solution in the next game for such a problem so watch out for it

[17:24:07] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> true
[17:24:16] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> next
[17:24:26] <+PlacidDragon> This is a question for Nival :
[17:24:29] <+PlacidDragon> What direction (in time era) is the next game in the SS series going to take?
[17:25:24] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> CLASSIFIED information, we'll have to riddle you with .50 MGs if we tell

[17:25:32] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next

[17:25:41] <+UFOPete> <Silvergryphon> Just a comment to Nivals remark about story-driven: the problem with s^2 was that most of the time it was not clear WHY and WHAT EXACTLY to do in each mission, I dont think the random missions as such were the issue of frustration
[17:27:18] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> yes, that was a problem, it needs lots of time to find and eliminate these setbacks, we have considered and fixed this thing with Sentinels
[17:27:48] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:27:53] * Saiu : Lay-Z
[17:28:31] * Saiu : GEC|Israel
[17:28:34] <+blooshoo> Nico asks Nival "what are you most pleased with in Sentinals" (features?)
[17:30:46] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> New wepapons (Ak47, etc), economic gameplay, new settings, gameplay improvements like break-downs and jamming for weapons, new Thor Hammer's soldiers (and girls, of course

[17:31:14] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:31:17] <+blooshoo> I was more favoriable to the sential girls. espcially the ones on the base defending mission.. o.o
[17:31:18] * Entrou: mcrilly
[17:31:25] <+PlacidDragon> This question is for JoWood from Arach :
[17:31:28] <+PlacidDragon> Will Gothic II : Night of the Raven be published in the UK, US? Additonally, anything on Gothic 3?
[17:31:57] <@[JWD]Daniel> We are working on that =)
[17:32:18] <@[JWD]Daniel> Gothic 3 will come at end of 2005
[17:32:24] <@[JWD]Daniel> next
[17:33:22] <+blooshoo> Me (and alot of people who have PMed me

) Is developing a multiplayer aspect high on your priority list for the next SS game?
[17:35:09] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> It's not very hard for us, but we're not very sure that this mode we'll be intersting to most of the players of TBS. We'll think of it, definitely.
[17:35:11] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> nwext
[17:35:44] <+PlacidDragon> This question is for Nival :
[17:35:47] <+PlacidDragon> Is the game mission structure of S2 or S3 going to be retained at the next line of games or should we expect to see something completely different? and if yes what?
[17:36:22] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> We like experiments

[17:37:04] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> Stay tuned, if our experiments are succesful, you'll get some really weird stuff

[17:37:08] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:37:58] <+blooshoo> sakus> sorry if this has been asked already, I came in late.. will panzerkleins still play such a big role in future SS title(s) and if so, would it be possible to include a "no scifi" option for those who may not like them..
[17:38:36] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> Do you mean Sentinels? or the next game s4, for xmple
[17:38:37] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> ?
[17:38:55] <+PlacidDragon> Future SS titles, S4, S5, etc

[17:39:33] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> PK will get rusted at the junk site

[17:40:07] * Saiu : Riithi
[17:40:08] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> If we use them in our next game, we will add some even more effective counter measures.
[17:41:06] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> However, in S3 we've weakened them, added bullet-proof vest and heavy armor, as well as AT grenades...
[17:41:19] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> ...to stop them.

[17:41:24] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:41:33] <+PlacidDragon> This question is for Nival :
[17:41:38] <+PlacidDragon> What size is the Nival team working on S2/S3, and what size is Nival?
[17:42:26] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> S2/S3 size was changing from milestione to milestone, but the core reamined - 15 ppl. Nival is 120 atm
[17:42:28] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:42:35] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> oh wait
[17:43:58] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> we have four projects (at least

)under development and we grow bigger to afford more projects at one time and meet your expectations for all the franchises and good games

[17:44:01] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> next
[17:44:30] <@Slaughter> Well, that was most of the S2/S3 questions
[17:44:44] <@Slaughter> But if you guys have some more time, we'll open for other questions
[17:44:52] <@Slaughter> About any of your other games
[17:45:28] <@Slaughter> Okay people, if you have questions about other JoWooD / Nival games, give them to the voices
[17:45:59] <@Stevesan[JoWooD]semiafk> sure, i ll be in irc about another 15 mins bevor i really have to leave so give it a shot
[17:46:14] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> We can answer some other questions about our announced projects like Blitzkrieg 2 and NW
[17:46:42] <@Slaughter> And if you from Nival / JoWooD have anything to add, shoot
[17:47:20] <@[Nival]Zak_n_WPack> it's easy

[17:47:53] <@Slaughter> Okay, that's it then
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> First of all I'd like to thank Dmitry "Wolf_Pack" Kolpakov,
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> Dmitry "Zak" Zakharov, Daniel Wehner and Stefan Spill for
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> chatting with us.
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> Second, I'd like to thank Wormfist, PlacidDragon,
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> UFOPete and blooshoo for helping out with the chat.
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> Third I'd like to say thanks for ChatSpike for hosting the
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> chatroom and helping with the chat.
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> And fourth I'd like to thank everyone that attended for making
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> this a interesting event. Hope to see you again in future
[17:47:59] <@Slaughter> chats!