Skinning animals, cooking, electricity, flashlight & GPS device


Author of FOT mod THE SUM

Here are my last progress for The Sum mod. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding how I made this and that, I designed everything from trigger to sprites, so I'll know probably the answer.

- Player can drop anywhere a camp and go to it instantly by pressing enter, can carry the camp with him/her to move it to another location. Player must take it with him/her to be allowed to leave the map.
- Player can recharge and use portable electricity from old batteries and use its charges to power a flashlight, the map of the area and a portable GPS device (allow to leave the map automatically)
- Player can skin animals to get horns, pelts, meat, feathers, eggs and more. The meat (with "remove on exit" trigger) can be cooked for conservation or kept in the cooler (because the cooler is the QuarterMaster, so "remove on exit" items are not removed there). Multiple meat pieces from different animals can be cooked together (maximum 5 pieces of meat per animal on each visit to a map). The player can create a fire, but also use a permanent village fire to cook his/her meals.
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Only in appearance I think... you can't build anything, and because survival will not be a real challenge too. I really don't want the game to stop because of considerations like hunger. The game focusses more on exploration and discoveries of rare inhabitants and animals. There will be some moral questions the character could ask himself... there is very not a lot of animals, should I really hunt them?
Almost everything works with the derived char stat CAMOFLAGE. I think it is not used anywhere in the game, another feature that was not implemented at the end of the game making. The rest (electricity and firewood) works with the derived stat FALLOVER. This one is used I think but I don't know exactly for what. So the animal/human corpses are CHEMS that gives the player 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or more... of CAMOFLAGE, which is associated with a meat type (deer, dog, human, squirel, snake, etc.) If the player has the good amount of CAMO, I add some items to the quarterMaster (cooler). The objects must be 0$ or they will have to be exchanged to get, which don't make sense at all. Finally, the fire is a character that can gamble with gambling hate at 1000 or -1000, I don't remember which. The fire will refuse everything with value more than 0$, so only free objects (like raw meat) can be cooked. Because the raw meat has the option checked "remove on exit", the fire inventory is deleted each time the player leave the map and you can start over some cooking (max 6 pieces of each type on each visit). Oh, and electricity is managed with reputation. -1000 reputation = 0 W of electricity. 1000 reputation = 1000 W of electricity. Thats all I think!
Some problems has not been solved... Like you can try to cook animal skins and they will always stay in the fire. Or you have to wait exactly 1 minute for a player to skin an animal. If you try to skin two animals at the same time, the second animal will not be skinned, and you will have to wait longer before skinning another animal... That is because the minimum time for chem effect is 1 minute.
A question if I can... So if you murder a friendly NPC does it affect your 'electricity' ? How does that work?
He! No idea yet! I didn't see anything of that sort or tested it. And never accidently killed a NPC when playing tactics whitout reloading the game immediatly. Maybe there is no effect on the rep if you kill a friendly NPC because normally reputation is dealt with by triggers at the end of a mission (if more than 0 dead at anywhere...) You are sure there is an effect? I don't even know how to attack one friendly NPC except with a large range gun like a shotgun or a grenade. And I think this is the only thing that could affect the reputation in game, all other things are arranged with a trigger. Even the death of another squad member, the reason why I am not sure there is something hardcoded related to killing Friendly people...
Yes it is hard coded. you're reputation goes down fast fast to demon spawn by killing friendlies.
Oh crap! But thanks still for this info. I am trying to build a script at this time to bring most of the NPC hostile after some seconds if you hold a gun in your hand, baybe that could clear the effect on reptation (electricity) Do you think so? I want this script because I remember playing a mod, Awaken probably, asking me to kill a friendly char at a junkyard, and I just didn't know at that time how to attack the character at all!
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