Slaver Troubles


First time out of the vault
So, my character is a happy slaver, having captured a bunch of people and sent them off to be good little slaves. The slavers respect me, etc. The biggest problem was that I had only one slave collar at a time - it was very annoying.

I travel back to Paradise Falls and lo and behold, Grunge (or whatever his name is) approaches me and tells me the last slave died (impossible, because I still had the collar in my inventory) but I roll with it and convince him to give me a second collar. I talk to him again, and for the second time he tells me that Red was a good capture, and gives me 250 bottle caps and ANOTHER slave collar. Bear in mind I had already captured all three VIPs for him. He goes through the other two, giving me bottlecaps and collars for all of them, so I'm up to 5. I'm happy as a clam, and I walk right on into Paradise Falls.

I go to the Barracks, hoping to try out my new Sandman perk, and I wait for some slavers to go to bed. In the mean time, I talk to whatever that slaver is who killed the bartender for shortchanging him. I exit the conversation, and now all the slavers are angry with me!

The last save I have is a long time ago, and I REALLY don't want to roll back that far. I went away and waited for 3 days, but that didn't reset their feelings about me.

Is there a console command to make the entire slaver faction like me again?
Worst comes to worst, I'd be willing to go through and make them like me one by one if there's a command for that.
I'm not sure if Paradise Falls is a location that stays angry, have you tried simply waiting for a few days (3) outside of the location and then returning?

Otherwise, the collar thing sounds like a bug that will have some impact on your game anyway.

Anyway, the command is ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag, but I don't know what the value for the slaver faction is. Maybe you can find it with GetPCEnemyofFaction.
Thank you, I'll try that right away. I did try waiting 3 days and it had no effect.

EDIT: Well, it seems like it would work but I can't get the Faction parameter no matter what I try. I just went through a list of all console commands with 'get' or 'faction' in the name and neither of them turn up a command that gets the faction. Does anyone know of a list anywhere online or in the files I can look?