I once managed to have a lucid dream one night by concentrating on keeping my mind focused on my field of vision - I fell into a dream but was fully aware and had a short little lucid dream before awaking with sleep paralysis - it was a rather unpleasant feeling. So I settled and soon got back into another lucid dream using the same technique. I was talking to a couple of dream humans in this second lucid dream of the night when I started to lose the lucidity of it - the faces of the two women I was talking to turned into those of horribly disfigured monster beasts, I awoke and again I had sleep paralysis. Now, I sleep with my eyes open, in that I fall asleep with them closed and they open about halfway whilst I sleep, so when I awoke I was unable to move at all, had a view of my room and the ceiling as I was lying on my back, and over standing over me staring in the face were these two disfigured abominations. I panicked as I was indeed awake but couldn't move and could still see these things. It really was the strangest thing, as it's not as if I dreamt I woke up and then actually woke up - I did indeed wake up, eyes open, paralyzed, with these things there. Anyway, I eventually managed to twitch some muscle which snapped my motor systems back into action, the figures standing over me faded before I was able to move, altogether it wasn't long that I was paralyzed - maybe ten seconds. Not something I'd like to repeat, though it was pretty neat.