Smarter Oblivioners?


Night Watchman
Staff member
Now, it's certainly not to raise hopes nor distort images, and it's not really Fallout news, but Bethesda's Gavin Carter gave an interview to Next Generation, and he <s>speaks a little bit</s> gives some promises about the capabilities of the Radiant AI system that is going to govern the NPCs of TES4:
<blockquote>Explaining their decision, Carter says, "Scripting tends to be very limited in its ability to adjust to a situation. With scripts, the character plays out the scripted actions exactly the same way every time. Radiant AI allows for varied responses based on the situations and the characters. For instance, a hungry character might steal, a lawless character might kill, and a fearful character might run. We have random conversations that will change based on a number of factors. With our continuing world of full day/night cycles and NPCs with real character arcs, players expect characters to behave like real people. Radiant AI accomplishes this goal much better and more easily than scripting ever could."

"The Radiant AI system dictates the daily lives of all 1000+ NPCs in Oblivion," Carter explains. "They all have 24-hour schedules which include activities like sleeping, eating, going to work, and reading to name a few." </blockquote>Which will - perhaps - translate to more actual life in the Wasteland than we're used to.

Link: Interview with Gavin Carter at Next Generation
I, personally, couldn't give a shit less how much radiant AI and real-life world they would shove into Fallout 3, that's barely the issue. Ey?
I place this feature somewhere above pretty graphics but way below atmosphere, originality and consistency.
But, not to be too critical, it's a nice feature.
Double Edged

Double Edged

Presume, assume, or merely preclude, that these predictable functions of AI - NPC 'uncertainty' are stoutly coded so as to not pull down the WHOLE virtual construct.

A.K.A. ""bug free".

Beyond the (written in REAL DOLLARS), state of the art, "virtual life' choices of one's PC paper doll's fashion statement; weapons class or GENDER BENDING,

Beyond the gratuitous posturing of "jack ass" coding stunts of bored developer worker-drones,

'There gleams a glimmering potential of '"real"', RE-playability.


Subtle (One True)RPG replay is presently under the radar, of the entrenched apologists that market the game boxes. This industry as a "class', a cliche' in uber menshen isolation, is presently reeducating the gaming public (under class) with Orwellian Double Speak campaigns of what is a RPG.
This --- shooter or clicker --- has RPG ""nuances"", shades and tinctures of games of Yore, why?
After playing 'the big bastard', one can play 'with' the bodacious bitch!
....... you can be the daughter your mother always wanted .......

Your breasts akimbo avatar will jump from puzzle to rat killing field with , or, (after the 'hackers' deconstruct the code), with out ... apropos apparel.
The new, NUDE fashion!!!!!
Thus, this Action RPG ""Qualifies"" as a RPG ..... 'real life' ... life choices ... as seen on Reality TV ...

This bit of wordsmith-ing is great for lawyers, market'eers, english-philosophy double majors, and third party, political campaign propagandist, hatchet 'persons',

Stop the word processor! ... Sorry, I am waxing redundant here ....

The entertainment expectations of the gaming under class will NEVER be satiated by this shell game of bait and switch. The 'market' will move on to the next 'big thing'. With or with out the self anointed -- "profits"

When future archeologists dissect our land fills, they will find whole strata of defacto "empty' game boxes, a couple of decades 'above' the ATARI era sub striate... labeled "Gritty", and "true RPG - GTA visceral effects"" , and perhaps "from the makers of .. FO 3".


The saddest prospect may be, that in now and future games, the AI - NPC, MAY have more 'life' choices than the human motivating the player character.

That's a pretty neat feature. Hope they just don't make it too hard to find a specific NPC thats vital for your current quest.. run around for hours searching for a single (now pretty smart, apparently) npc.
Last time I heard of a similar feature, the developer had to remove it because it was consuming too much CPU power.
Aye, if you put forth the new graphics, and the demands this would create... e gads, my computer's been pretty fly but this might make it get sent out to pasture.
Re: Double Edged

4too said:
some stuff
"Archeologists will rule us in the future on Orwellian thrones fashioned from disused dictionaries, RARGH!"

Maybe I missed something....
mmm I like Vault Dwellers compilation of everything on Fallout 3 in that topic. While it says very little, it's more to go on than I'd heard about.
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Nah, our tongues will be tied until the PR gods loosen them regardless :)

*puts on a shady hat*

You be careful, sonny. We have ways of making you talk. Yeah, ways.

Like e-mail correspondence!
