So Cute They'll Sicken You

The Vault Dweller said:

The Vault Dweller
Sounds like the title of a sci-fi movie from the 50's. Don't walk- run! Don't talk - scream! It's: The Attack of the Giant Microbes From Uranus!
Oh yeah.... I forgot about these things. I learned about them around seven, eight years ago. When they first came out. But...yea, they're pretty neat.
Reminds me of the time I had to give a presentation in Biology class on the Ebola virus. I couldn't find any pictures of it that showed it's structure so I made an artistic rendering of it...

well, i'd rather get the clap in plushy form, than irl, if ye know what i mean...
generalissimofurioso said:
Reminds me of the time I had to give a presentation in Biology class on the Ebola virus. I couldn't find any pictures of it that showed it's structure so I made an artistic rendering of it...



Reminds me of the time I had to give a presentation as my final for my basic communications first year college class. For the sake of doing something I knew my audience would remember (we were graded on how much the audience learned and remembered) I chose to present "Internal Parasites of the Human Body". It was great. I got an A and also learned alot about a group of organisms I previously knew nothing about. Also I think my professor wanted to puke.

The Vault Dweller