It Wandered In From the Wastes

Yeah, it seems like every online game's forums are over-populated with whiney little kids. At least we have community forums.SuAside said:@ Executioner: crippled forums? that i dunno ({Beats me likes a baby seal "cuz" I am STOOPID!} i'm eurotrash), everything works fine overhere. as for the unhappy, whining & flaming gamers, thats because almost no-one actually uses the official forums for serious stuff. everyone goes to alternative community forums for constructive discussions & stuff.
I found that Lineage 2 is fun in a simple, let's whack some orcs together, kind of way. The graphics were good enough and killing PKers was pretty fun at times. I almost made it to lvl 20 by the end of open beta, I was lvl 19 and had never gotten close to an 'important' lvl in an online game before, but my modem got fried in a freak storm and it took 3 weeks to get a replacement.
As for changing the world, Wish was the closest I've found to doing it. Its overall story was supposed to take direction based on people's actions during 'live events'. You had the usual newspaper and players could even have monuments dedicated to them. Also, just about everything was craftable.