So, my mother bought a new HP PC.


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
And I'm installing software on it.
The first thing I have to do is to install Win XP.

Sadly, a total moron that created that system thinks that it's a great idea to have the user instert the Win XP install CD and then confirm validate the stupid system by inserting a stupid Restore Something CD, and then insert the stupid Win XP install CD to start the stupid system.
While the whole idea is annoying by itself, I had some technical problems - I couldn't format the HDD.
So, I had to restart the comp instert, the Win XP install CD and then confirm validate the damned system by inserting a damned Restore Something CD, and then insert the damned Win XP install CD to start the damned system.
I've noticed that the install program proposed me to install SCSI drivers, but before I could react the opportunity have passed and the damned install program said that it can't detect the damned HDD.
So, I had to restart the comp, insert the fucking Win XP install CD and then confirm validate the fucking system by inserting a fucking Restore Something CD, and then insert the fucking Win XP install CD to start the fucking system again.

So, it seemed that the problems ended, in the middle of the install the installer wanted me to write the moronic CD-Key. For some reason the CD-key wasn't on the CD envelope and I had to search it for a half of a hour.
It turned out that some moron put the CD-key and certificate of authenticity on the PC Box.
CD-Keys are annoying even without putting them in weird places.

I understand that the band of morons has trouble with pirates, but, I don't care. I don't want to have anything to do with their stupid little wars. I'm buying my software, so I want to be treated with respect, which means no fucking with CD checks, CD-Keys (unless it's shareware), spying with internet and other moronic shit that they invent.

Seriously, world would be much better if all non-shareware software could be installed like Fallout - without moronic CD checks, CD-Keys, Malware, Spyware and other shit that comes with things that people buy in stores. It doesn't work anyway and even if it would, user's comfort when installing and using software is more important.
Sorrow said:
So, it seemed that the problems ended, in the middle of the install the installer wanted me to write the moronic CD-Key. For some reason the CD-key wasn't on the CD envelope and I had to search it for a half of a hour.
It turned out that some moron put the CD-key and certificate of authenticity on the PC Box.
CD-Keys are annoying even without putting them in weird places.
for an OEM key to be used "legally" it needs to be attached to the pc, which means to the chasis of the pc.

as for all the other whining, the solution is simple: don't buy HP/Compaq or Dell. :roll:
I share your pain, matey. Even if you know the procedure by heart, installing XP is a god-damn pain in the ass. Leaving only a tattered shadow of DOS only complicates things..

Hence why i never format my partitions to NTSF and have a win 98 install on the other drive. Makes life so much more easier, tbh.

edit: Prefabs suck ass. All of them.
Fuck, now I discovered that in 30 days the fucking thing will stop working, because it has to connect to the fucking internet to work. The problem is that the other comp isn't connected to the internet. Fuck, now I'll have to reconnect my modem and install all net drivers just because a bunch of fucking morons has to protect themselves from piracy.
The irony is that I'm the only person that uses an original copy of their operation system that I know from RL.

Damn, too bad it wan't a comp for me, because I would have chosen Linux just to make sure that that bunch of dumbfucks wouldn't get any money from me.

Madbringer said:
I share your pain, matey. Even if you know the procedure by heart, installing XP is a god-damn pain in the ass. Leaving only a tattered shadow of DOS only complicates things..

Hence why i never format my partitions to NTSF and have a win 98 install on the other drive. Makes life so much more easier, tbh.
Heh, I'm using win98 on my comp.

I think that people who make an installation program that makes purposefully makes installation more difficult for no reason that would benefit the user and create a software that can't work without getting connected to their precious website have a serious brain illness.
All those problems stopped existing the moment I recieved my copy of keygen-free, registration-free win XP pro. One of the two universities I'm attending has a license with microsoft.
Not to be 'The Linux Guy' but why not try it? Although you rather shouldn't if you're not interested in the whole thing.

Btw.,It runs all Fallout (almost) perfectly.
pdw_hu said:
Not to be 'The Linux Guy' but why not try it? Although you rather shouldn't if you're not interested in the whole thing.

Btw.,It runs all Fallout (almost) perfectly.

Dude, read up. It's his mom's computer, not his own.
Wooz said:
All those problems stopped existing the moment I recieved my copy of keygen-free, registration-free win XP pro. One of the two universities I'm attending has a license with microsoft.
Is Win XP Pro a special version of Win XP that doesn't have paranoia?
well not sure how ok it is to suggest this but you could procure something that removes the 30 day registration period ... since all in all you do have the license and are using a legit copy .. i'm sure the internets have such things

.... i recommend something like Windows XP Autopatcher (doesnt check for genuwine) downloaded afterwards and copied via cd/stick whateva :) for a little more stability :)

Sorrow said:
Wooz said:
All those problems stopped existing the moment I recieved my copy of keygen-free, registration-free win XP pro. One of the two universities I'm attending has a license with microsoft.
Is Win XP Pro a special version of Win XP that doesn't have paranoia?

i think w00z's university has one of those deals with microsoft to have all its computers and learning done on Windows and as such is supplying a version that is easier to install over a lot of terminals without the need for auth-ing

SHIT ! Sorry for double post !!!
Don't be sorry, edityourpost

Sorrow: You can phone a toll-free number of Microsoft and they'll thank you for the call and activate your Windows, even on Saturdays.

Be prepared though, the android that dictates the activation key to you is a fucking machinegun.,

"Please...... prepeare..... to.... listen..... to..... activation...... key..... setion...... A...... 4328336 .... to...... hear.... section.... A.... again.... dial...."

Also, prefabs suck and use Linux.
pdw_hu said:
So, are you saying a woman can't use anything other than windows? :)

Nah, i'm saying mom's can't.

It took me about a week to get my mom to comprehend the magic behind installing applications. Another to enlight her about using an internet browser, and the concept of url's.

Your typical mom isn't the type of creature to ever use windows fluently, let alone linux. 8)
Sadly that's true...
Especially if they work on computers that their sons use for playing and using internet...
Sorrow said:
Fuck, now I'll have to reconnect my modem and install all net drivers just because a bunch of fucking morons has to protect themselves from piracy.

I think that people who make an installation program that makes purposefully makes installation more difficult for no reason that would benefit the user and create a software that can't work without getting connected to their precious website have a serious brain illness.

You can activate it by phone, it takes like 10 minutes and it's a 1-800 toll free call to India. I've done it a hundred times.