So... The new KotOR game is MMO

Well, how many MMOs Blizzard had made before WoW?

Exactly. AFAIK, none. Still, their game was a 100% success and a milestone in the genre. Although I shouldn't compare EA and Blizzards' products quality, I meant to say that Bioware's lack of experience in making MMOs may not necessairly lead to the game's failure. Providing Bioware will be smart enough to take example from Blizzard in how to make a MMO and will hire capable staff with experience in this genre.

Although I agree with what Ratty says, I still would like to know anything at all about the game if I am to judge it.

Bioware recently released the final 1.69 patch for Newerwinter Nights (the original) - a game that came out more than 6 years ago.... Now, there is some serious customer, developer, to fans and gamers relationsships right there, wouldn't you say.

Bioware has also listened to its pc fans, developing Dragon Age: Origins for the pc only (at this time). So Bioware isn't suddenly starting to not help people that have problems with their MMO when it comes out. Even today, I have seen Bioware tec devs. help people out in the Mass Effect PC tech help forums. Of course, people also help other people out. Bu the devs. are helpfull, too :)

Now, EA support for MEPC has been -ehm- not helpfull at all. Period. EA is taken care of the game's (MEPC) official support - and they are not doing a great job.

I don't know why EA thinks they can provide a WoW-killer to the MMO-market. It is my understanding that this is very difficult to do. The exact reason behind this, we'll probably never know. I agree, however, that EA probably thinks it can get at least 2 million subscripers (paying, no less) in about 2 monhts time or so. Maybe John R, and Ray+Greg, don't think this way, but the rest of the EA's board might just do this.

As for the whole Bioware hasn't made an MMO before; well this is true. But Bioware did make NWN (the original one) including DM-clients, toolset and a way to make great multiplayer campaigns for the community. That experience goes well in making an MMO, I think. Also, if you don't know how to make something, then you have to hire someone who does. Bioware as an rpg-developer is an expert in this, I find.
13pm said:
Ravager69 said:
Maybe there will be no option to become a force user at all? One can only hope - but wouldn't that contradict with the idea of Star Wars in the first place?
Nah, there's no sense in doing a Star Wars game without Force usage. Noone will play it.

You're drunk. Period. :drunk:

Never heard of Star Wars Republic Commando? It's the best and only squad-based FPS with full time voiced interaction between characters. Really, it's the best SP experience I've ever had in FPS, and there 's no Force usage in the game.

In regards to the "everyone is Jedi/Sith" problem, it could be solved by giving all creater characters a slim 10% chance to have been born with hability to use the Force, and have it to be discovered only by quest, which should happen only arond 25th level or more, to prevent abuses alike creating chars until the Force user finally rolls.

Also, balancing classes, despite of the fluffy saying Force users kick ass, would be nice - thought a bit of extra badassery for Force users would be in demand to make them desirable.
Republic Commando, Battlefront, Darkforces, Shadow of the Empire, the X wing/Tie Fighter series. There are loads of Star Wars games without force powers.
Makenshi said:
Never heard of Star Wars Republic Commando? It's the best and only squad-based FPS with full time voiced interaction between characters. Really, it's the best SP experience I've ever had in FPS, and there 's no Force usage in the game.
Hang on, is Republic Commando really good? Everyone I ever asked about it described the game as utter shit - not because it didn't feature Force powers, but because it was simply poorly designed (allegedly).
Yeah, I couldn't agree more with both of those above posts. I wish they'd come out with a sequel, it had that sort of ending, ya know? Maybe theres one on the drawing board for after the animated Clone Wars comes out.
I feel a disturbance in the force.
I can hear the screams of ten thousand fat guys on the internet screaming, and then, silence.

They must've quit posting and killed themselves. I'm dissapointed myself that there is no real sequel to this. I just feel the story will be in place but just be a standard MMO without the development and endless grinding.

I feel the darkside clouding your judement. I see even more nerds over powering the light side with most players being sith.
I_eat_supermutants said:
They must've quit posting and killed themselves.

i considered it. i mean, what have mmo's ever brought anyone but pain, misery, and random encounters with semi-illiterate thirteen year olds? and the rest of star wars has already been thoroughly shat upon - KOTOR was my last refuge.

my only hope is that there will be a KOTOR three in addition to the mmorpg. otherwise it seems to me that everyone involved just got supremely lazy and made up the story of revan leaving the galaxy so that they could have a half-baked skeleton plot for their terrible mmorpg. either that, or george lucas realized that the KOTOR was better than the actual moves and sought to destroy it. i wouldn't be suprised.
Yeah totally, anyone ever notice the fact that most of the expanded universe is actually a lot more interesting than movies themselves?

I really hope that this game isn't just simply a large amount of fetch quest and static npcs. I'd say input an economy system similar to EVO. Have events that are not repeatable.(But don't heavily tax a player for not being a part of it, and make said events a few weeks or even a few months long, like an ongoing war.) There's also force adepts, Force witches and the Jennesarai (a good dark side organization) Yuuzhan Vong and what not(although the jennesarai and yuuzhan vong appear after episode 6 i believe). Make a limit to who can become a jedi(say 1 per account)

It won't matter though, because there will still most likely be fifty thousand kenobi245's running around. There should be some sort of ban on out of character names.(i.e Drizzt Do urden, Cuntstab, and my personal favorite, Cloud/sephiroth/any pseudo anime character in existence) A good Mmo needs good mods and gms.