So this bum punched me once

I got punched in the face once without provocation, when I was younger. I didn't put up much of a fight but I was able to get away. I'm not about to face 11 angry and drunk bumpkins.
st0lve said:
You peed on him. That's pretty gnarly and disgusting.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to interject here to once again state that no one was actually peed on. VonDrunky didn't even have a chance to open the valves before Garbage Ninja popped out of hiding and sucker-punched a guy who, from the looks of him, he probably could've folded like a card table in two or three hits (no offense, Drunkster... I'm sure you're tougher than the stats suggest.)

I can understand how life on the streets can make a guy jumpy, but that can only excuse so much. If VonDrunky's friends hadn't been there, he could've been spending the night in the hospital, or the alley. And what if V.D. had been someone with a gun or a knife? I think the homeless guy got off a lot easier than he could've.

If I were the ref here, I'd say that everyone was off the hook except for the overeager lad who took the unnecessary shot at the vanquished bum.