So this crazy guy threatened me..


Still Mildly Glowing
Yesterday, me and my girl agreed upon that I should pay her a visit tomorrow, (she lives about 4 hours away from me by bus), and I decided, that in order to endure four hours in a sweaty and cramped bus, I'm going to need some music to listen to. But alas, my earphones were broken.

I strolled to the electronics store downtown to buy myself a new set of earphones, and I saw this guy, in his late 30's, eating a popsicle, standing in front of the store (which I discovered was temporarily closed down due some unkown reasons).

Anyway, I ignored the man and proceeded to take a peek into the store, which was pitch black. All of the sudden, I hear this voice behind my shoulder, whispering: "Dra härifrån, innan jag dödar dig", which basically means: "Get outta here, before I kill you". More enraged than scared, I asked him what the hell he was talking about. He simply smiled, so I thought he was joking. He was about half my size, so I didn't take it too seriosly.

He then tried to shove me (while gnawing on his popsicle), I reacted immediately and grabbed him by the side of his throat, and pushed him away from me. I said: "What the fuck are you doing?". He responded, with crazed eyes and a smirk on his face: "Hehe, you're just like me."

I had two obtions:

1. Knock him down, and continue punching him while he's lying on the ground until he stops moving, and thus being forced to spend some time in jail, and not being able to see my girl for the rest of the week.

2. Act mature, call him a prick, and then walk away, and look forward to seeing my girl tomorrow.

What do you think I did?

And if you've had similar experiences, post them here.
Hmm, hitting is generally the bad decision. If he decides to go to court there's a lot more than a week of hell, so I'm hoping you just punched him, very maturely, in the throat and left.

I hate guys like that. A similar thing happened to me last week. I was sitting on the tram on the way to school when this guy starts eyeing me. He mumbled a lot about something but I ignored him. Then he says that I should appoligize to him. I kept looking out the window, seeing him in the corner of my eye moving around like a monkey. Suddenly he gets up, elbows my shoulder, tells me "Come by anytime and I'll smash your face in with a glass" and jumps of at the stop. Fucking junkie. Spawn of satans spawn they are.

Hope you get to see your girl tomorrow.
Well, if I were in that situation, and had already hit him, I would have to see his hands and torso so he has no weapon. And then walk away, so... 1.

Say it was self-defense. Punk like that probably is a regular customer at the local police station, they'll take your word over his.
Is it normal in Sweden to be assaulted by popsicle sucking crazies?

Baltimore has the most disgusting, violent bums in any city I've been to. Once I was waiting to for the rest of my band to arrive at our practice spot, and decided to get a bag of popcorn chicken and fries from the corner store. This really haggard homeless dude followed me inside and cornered me, asking for change or my food. I told him that I was hungry and broke myself and I couldnt afford it, then he started screaming that I was a piece of shit bitch and backed me into a corner demanding my 'motherfuckin fries'-- the owner of the store came running up holding a bat and yelled 'I told you to stay the fuck out, asshole, I call the cops!'

This other time I was riding the metro home (kind late) and there were only a couple other people on the train. I had my guitar and this dude that looked a little shady, carrying a plastic bag, started asking me about the band and shit. Then he asked me to let him play my guitar, which I said no, sorry, I'm not taking it out. He got pissed off at that and started yelling, "What the fuck, you don't like black people or some shit? I've played bass for 40 years! I've played with..." He started listing all these famous musicians, total b.s.. Then he stood up (I was just staring at him in amazement at this point) reached into his bag and took out a log. Like a branch from a tree, with leaves on it and shit. Then I noticed he had other various twigs and branches collected in this bag, and he waved it around his head, called me a "cracker ass faggot, fuck you, etc." I mean, I got off the train at the next stop a little freaked out but found it pretty hillarious in retrospect.
I'm a wuss. I'd let him beat me, probably unconscious or to death. But if I had sharp objects, 'say a nice set of saws, the darkness of the store would become a proper... Workplace.
sickfuck_diablo said:
Is it normal in Sweden to be assaulted by popsicle sucking crazies?

Everything is "normal" in Sweden, nowadays.

Regarding my dilemma with the popsicle-nutjob, I walked away. I've forsaken my old ways, and this time, I chose logic over pride. I could've grinded his ass into red paste, but I refrained from doing so.

I can thank my girl for that.

I'm mighty proud of myself, actually.
Dude, if anything, move on with your life and think about the hella funny story that guy just gave you.

He's a new conversation starter! He deserves your thanks.
A similar thing happened to me a 5 in the morning one day

I awoke in my apartment to the noise of the next door neighbours beating the shit out of each other, so as usual, I called the police to report domestic violence (it was a common thing at the place next door till they got evicted)

The cops came and I let them in, and decided to wait outside for them to finish as I would have had to let them out too (our front door required a key to get in or out). About 10 minutes later this weird little guy, around 40 or so walked past the building and stopped to talk to me.

he asked where the "pigs" were and I said they were inside, then he asked what the fuck I was doing there and I told him I lived there.

the man then asked for cigarettes, which I didn't have because I don't smoke, but he accused me of hiding his cigarettes and I was a "race traitor nazi cunt" because I had blue eyes and blonde hair (i have green eyes) and he informed me that I would be "the first to go when the time comes".

He then began to bounce about and telling me to "come on" to fight him, but then ran away because the police came out of the building, yelling to me "wait and see!"

the police asked me why he was running and I said "I have no idea"

it was the most bizzare thing I've ever experienced.
I think I met that creep on the Subway..Röda Linjen, I pretended that the closest next stop was mine, just to get rid of him..
Perhaps he was just a sentry posted by some gangsters who were in the store to get their "due pay"?

Maybe I've been watching British skinhead movies too much.
myzko said:
I think I met that creep on the Subway..Röda Linjen, I pretended that the closest next stop was mine, just to get rid of him..

What a coincidence, this event took place near a Röda Linjen subway station.

Paladin Solo said:
Perhaps he was just a sentry posted by some gangsters who were in the store to get their "due pay"?

Maybe I've been watching British skinhead movies too much.

If I was a gangleader, I sure wouldn't send a 5'2", bucktoothed, popsicle-sucking doofus to do sentry duty. Wouldn't be very intimidating.
Stock said:
If I was a gangleader, I sure wouldn't send a 5'2", bucktoothed, popsicle-sucking doofus to do sentry duty. Wouldn't be very intimidating.

They don't have to be intimidating, they'll just cut you down to their size.
uh no... all the violance that was directed at me was always from a sane source. strange come to think of it...
I haven't had similar experiences.

The closest thing is probably when a guy in high school grabbed my bag and was going to throw it over a small cliff. My bag had some delicate stuff in it, including some CD's and Fallout 2, so I dashed after him and stunned him with a blow from my lunch, a bag with an apple and some vegies, retrieving my possessions from him at the edge. He then started swearing at me and punched me in the shoulder before storming off, shocked that I had reacted thusly. He probably sees me as the crazy person. I might have tried grabbing both his arms if I could go back to that time, rather than my choice of a more efficient, improvised solution. I didn't really know him, but he seemed to be a nice, clever guy, so it was very odd. However, some of my friends did such stuff to each other, but never to me (I didn't share their view that flying school bags were entertaining). He hadn't before and it was his last day at school, as he was changing to another. I don't know what he's up to now, probably doing accountancy or engineering, whereas I abandoned the friends who might have inspired him.

I am reminded of an unfair quip I made today. Someone was disappointed that I didn't get a shock when they snuck up on me doing lab work. 'I'm an RPG player, not FPS, so I have peripheral vision.'
...Knee him in the nuts ask him if he is ok and then accidentally step on him... Maybe insult his heritage? Do Germans still dislike Russians? That might due.
I met a crazy once!

When the Seahawks were in the super bowl a couple friends and I decided to watch the game downtown in a bar. Because I am paranoid I parked my car in a safe location and my friends and I took the bus down to our favorite pub.

On the way back, after the Seahawks lost, we were waiting at a bus stop when this seemingly normal guy fast walked up to my friend Josh and said (rough quote)

"If I am up on first ave and a jeep pulls up and offers me a ride am I wrong for saying yes?"

Josh, not wanting to be rude said, "What?"

The man replied, "If I am by the Zoo and Dick Cheny pulls up in an suv offers me his chicken bones, am I arong for saying yes"

Now completely confused Josh says, "What?"

The crazy then gets in his face real close and says, "Are you looking at my scars!?" before storming off.

Dammit what's with all these people?! Someone should kick their butts randomly.