So, what does bethesda need to do to go bankrupt?

I think the only way for a different studio to make a fallout game would be if Bethesda let them e.g New vegas. Sorry to say but Bethesda holds fallout over a barrel.

Also Fallout 4 made tons of money and I am sure lots of people will rush out to be skyrim remastered so there you go really ....
Found an old thread that is relevant to this topic and a good read. Left me with warm feelings.
Why do people on the PC subreddits seem to hate Bethesda so much?
"Developer becomes famous for making chess. People love chess. Developer wants to appeal to wider audience, so they make a chess/checkers hybrid. Many people get pissed off, but far more people that never played chess before are digging it. Developer becomes hugely successful, gives all the credit to checkers. Developer then abandons chess and makes checkers. It's a huge success, so many people play checkers that it becomes practically mainstream. But small contingent of chess fans feel abandoned, they're like "what about chess?" Developer doesn't care, developer is making more money than ever. Developer then goes on to make the most checkery checkers game that has ever existed. Chess fans revolt, checkers fans don't care, they're like "yay, more checkers.""
It's more akin to the developer releasing "Chess 2", and having it use the rules of Checkers with chess pieces... and promoting it with belittling comments about Chess needing to be updated to modern standards; [aka modern limitations].

*Checkers is not so simplistic... Personally I would change the analogy by swapping Checkers for Chutes & Ladders.

IMO: Fallout : FO3/4 is as HeroQuest : Hungry, Hungry, Hippos.
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To me it feels more like taking something like checkers, changing the existing rules to whatever they feel like changing them to and expecting everybody to be okay with it.
To me it feels more like taking something like checkers, changing the existing rules to whatever they feel like changing them to and expecting everybody to be okay with it.
It's far more passive aggressive than that. They then chide the old-fashioned chess aficionados, and make light of them to their own supporters.
(This... done after they announce that they are developing a new 'chess' release, and benefit from the chess fan enthusiasm and positive world of mouth.)
So long as people like me buy the merchandise Bethesda's Wasteland Series will never die.

I <3 this:


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They need to make games so horrid and full of problems that the general public catches on and are willing to criticise them. Plus the games have to be over-hyped like NMS (and/or a Peter Molyneux game) and fails miserably at even meeting said hype. I don't count Bethesdrones into the general public demographic since those folk are a lost cause and every product will have their undying fans regardless of the product's actual quality so they'll remain fanatically loyal.

Found an old thread that is relevant to this topic and a good read. Left me with warm feelings.
Why do people on the PC subreddits seem to hate Bethesda so much?
This is why I have some hope in the gaming community. There are plenty of people who are aware of Bethesda's rampant incompetence and do not seem to fall for Bethesda's usual pitches.

You know as long as people like this exist(the one with the misspelled title) I would have to assume they'll likely never go bankrupt.
I think that post was supposed to be satire... Or was treated like satire based on the comments.
What I was seeing was people telling him how they got eye cancer and telling them the errors in their title name.
I interpreted it as those people choosing not to take that OP seriously in the slightest. No one (except for the Bethesdrones on r/Fallout4 and other sites) would actually take that post seriously.
I interpreted it as those people choosing not to take that OP seriously in the slightest. No one (except for the Bethesdrones on r/Fallout4 and other sites) would actually take that post seriously.
I dunno they did happen to reply with this:
it may be you have not yet met with your mat soul for whom your heart start beating fast
Could just be a person that doesn't have English as a first language. Maybe your right but it takes a special kind of person to somehow butcher English in that manner. :lol:
I dunno they did happen to reply with this:

Could just be a person that doesn't have English as a first language. Maybe your right but it takes a special kind of person to somehow butcher English in that manner. :lol:
As a person who attempts to always practice good grammar, that reply was atrocious. What the heck is a mat soul? :wtf:
One thing I think a lot of people have overlooked is the fact that Skyrim Remastered was intended for the latest console generation, sure it's whole purpose is to sell more copies of basically the same game, but other developers already do that for consoles without any differences between the two versions. Plus not everyone keeps their old console when a new one comes out, meaning those people won't be able to play their old copies of skyrim.

Skyrim Remastered is coming to PC because why not?
PC players can already mod their games to look better than "remastered", so anyone who owns all the DLC gets it for free.

I wouldn't put it past Bethesda to sell the DLC again on both PC and console, but part of me thinks they're not that cheap, I'd say best case scenario is PC gets free DLC for the remastered version if you own all the DLC/legendary.
Both platforms getting the DLC for free seems like an impossibility.
sure it's whole purpose is to sell more copies of basically the same game, but other developers already do that for consoles without any differences between the two versions.
Lets not give other game developers ideas. When it comes to Skyrim there looks to be minimal effort put into this joke of a so called remaster. When it comes to mods it's only going to cause trouble with the limitations to not only what kinds of content the console users can have(thanks to @DirtyOldShoe for the information), the limitations on how much content can be downloaded, and another imminent stolen mods trainwreck which Bethesda was and is too incompetent to contain.
If they really wanted to remaster a game then why not a good one like Morrowind or maybe Daggerfall? Not to mention people are going to be paying for a game still using the same wacky engine, except now with Fallout 4 wackiness added to the mix like minor graphical "enhancements" which I'm going to guess will run like shit in the performance department. Oh yeah and all the bugs from the Fallout 4 engine in addition to all the bugs that Skyrim never had patched out.

I wouldn't put it past Bethesda to sell the DLC again on both PC and console, but part of me thinks they're not that cheap
They are that cheap, just look at how they stole ideas from the quest mod Autumn Leaves or how they were selling asset packs that modders had already done before those were even released, we must not forget about paid mods. I would go as far as to say that they sold a bare bones game called Fallout 4 with the majority of settlements you have to create yourself that have generic NPCs because creating interesting characters is teh hard.
...just look at how they stole ideas from the quest mod Autumn Leaves or how they were selling asset packs that modders had already done before those were even released, we must not forget about paid mods.
But this isn't stolen, it's traded. Sure, they may have copied it verbatim ~if they wished, but that is the price on the mod toolset; unless none of these mods used the CS. It's a given [literally]. Don't release mods using the developer's [EULA shrinkwrapped] tools, unless you are okay with them legally owning the mod.

*This is why I am okay with doing a Behemoth tank, or Enclave ADV powerarmor mod, but not an original design of my own; they are going to own it ~let 'em... it's already their design.

** Optionally, one could perhaps make the CS mod depend on loose files, and make the loose files a separate download, [if loose files still work]. That way they would own only the CS processed files, and anything covered by the IP ownership; but not original models and images; or possibly text files.
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But this isn't stolen, it's traded. Sure, they may have copied it verbatim ~if they wished, but that is the price on the mod toolset; unless none of these mods used the CS. It's a given [literally]. Don't release mods using the developer's [EULA shrinkwrapped] tools, unless you are okay with them legally owning the mod.

*This is why I am okay with doing a Behemoth tank, or Enclave ADV powerarmor mod, but not an original design of my own; they are going to own it ~let 'em... it's already their design.

** Optionally, one could perhaps make the CS mod depend on loose files, and make the loose files a separate download, [if loose files still work]. That way they would own only the CS processed files, and anything covered by the IP ownership; but not original models and images; or possibly text files.
This has been discussed and argued to death with modders on Nexus, You are incorrect and that is not how the License works. Bethesda, Zenimax and affiliats own the ESP and game data made by the CK, Not what a modder has made in 3D max, Blender, Photoshop, Nifskope, Chunkmerge, TESVEdit, Oscape, Audacitry, Notpad, Wordpad, Calculator, Gimp. Etc, Etc. That story he wrote wasn't made by the CK, it was made by him. Written in a different free to use program that Bethesda does not own or have rights to.

This downloadable editor, titled The Creation Kit™ (the “Editor”), enables the end user (“You”) to create new or customized levels or otherwise adjust Your experience in using the copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® software product purchased by You (the “Product”). All uses of the Editor and any materials created using the Editor (the “New Materials”) are for Your own personal, non-commercial use solely in connection with the applicable Product, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
The editor does not create 3d objects, textures, stories, sounds or scripts. Mod authors own all those things.