Fallout 2 utility [SOLVED] Frame Animator 2.7 Issues

Cory Macdonald

First time out of the vault

I've been using Frame Animator 2.7 recently to design a custom door (specifically changing the number on the front) for Fallout 2, but I've got a problem with frame 6 (zero inclusive) - this one:
Whenever I load it into Frame Animator I get this:
I've checked through Photoshop, the spots that are made white have R=72, G=72, B=72. I got the frames through frm2gif with the -b 0 flag. The colour values aren't skewed compared to the other door frames. I've also tested immediately putting it into Frame Animator after taking it from the FRM, without opening it in Photoshop or any other program prior, and I still get the same problem. Any assistance in getting this frame to come out properly is much appreciated.

Thank you.
Скорей всего эти белые пиксели имеют индексацию в палитре больше 229. То есть принадлеждат к анимируемой палитре.
Most likely, these white pixels are indexed in the palette more 229. That is, belong to the animate palette. check in photoshop the indexing of these pixels.
Right, so, this is the files:
If you get it to work, can you explain what you did?

Second, how do I check the indexing? If what you're referring to is my changing the image from RGB to Index; I always use the same colours as the original images, so I don't see why that would be a problem. I also tried converting to index with the Fallout 2 palette file just in case, and that didn't work.
Yep, that's got it working. I still don't see why it didn't work when trying to use Fallout's palette in Photoshop, nor why it didn't happen for every single other frame, but... Yeah, it works. So, thank you very much!
That's nice, I didn't have to do a thing. Yep the colour palette for Fallout is very particular, if it isn't used correctly all sorts of strange things happen to the artwork, manly funky colours, etc. I'm glad its sorted.