Some Questions on NPCs or Encounters


First time out of the vault

I have some Questions....

1. Can you edit Davin the same as Miria, to get a "Davin-Mod" ?
(Will duplicating the files (for Miria) do the trick ?)
2. How can I activate/add a new NPC (as the Doc in V15) ?
3. How can I adjust the FREQUENCY of random Encounters (mainly for KAGA's....)

Thanks for any help....

1+2, no idea..

3. edit worldmap.txt and increase the percentage for each instance of the type of encounter you want to increase in each of the encounter tables..
Could somone explain what is the "Miria mod"? And does it work with Celestial's patches or is it included in it?

Thers is this chic in Modoc you can marry.....
But you can (normally) never get rid of her....

With the Miria Mod she becomes a full fledged NPC, who even levels up - hence a real enhancement!

This mod IS compatible with the patch 1.05 ( I tried!) -
but it probably wont be with 1.06 because I expect that there will be new critters....
(I will include a patched version in my next JonaMod then....)

to 3.
I already tried 100% - but the encounter is still VERY rare....
(about once in 20-25 tries....)
Must I rise the chance to 500% or so ?

Oh yeah, Miria was the slutty daughter of the old guy who owned the factory a'la filê gourmet. Such an old grumpy guy, made me marry her. A shotgun marriage I'd say. I usually just placed some timed TNT in her inventory and ran away from her. Was quite satisfying. After the 1st time I had married her I switched to his brother. He is much nicer.
Just shoot Miria when you're sick of her (which gives you a new reputation, IIRC) and then tell her dad. Teh funny! :P
PsychoSniper said:
Sell her to Metzger.

To bad you cant pimp her out in New Reno

I never needed a pimp in New Reno. Maybe because my char is always so attractive. I am a gigolo and a porn start 247. 8)