some story


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I have some cool dream, which could be used to make story for some game or movie. Old medieval graveyard, earthquake uncover bones of some strange beasts. Some scienst start research them, first they think its some kind of dinosaurs. But they was mutated animals by some virus and they look like dragons, also strange humanoids which look like demons. In church is some book with medieval tales about folks fighting with satan beasts. This old virus now starts to be live again, some peoples become mutants, total disaster.
It's probably quite tough to fight satan beasts. Is there any toxic gas which attacks the brain? Or only the Satanick Virus of Death?
Angrim said:
It's probably quite tough to fight satan beasts. Is there any toxic gas which attacks the brain? Or only the Satanick Virus of Death?
Nonono, there's a stake as a melee weapon, garlic grenades and a cross as the ultimate weapon.
What are they? Mutated beasts and people or Wampirs and their familars?
If its mutated beasts and people... The movie already been made... Its called The Cave....stakes and crosses old and tired... The Cave also had Holy Knights
Just some kind of nightmare, first i walked trough typical graveyard and there was some holes in the ground where was visible big bones and archeologist or scients around wonder with questions. And yeah toxic gas come from holes and some folks get crazy.
Toxic smoke? Dragons? Crazy people?

Do you puff the magic dragon Lich?
Lich said:
And yeah toxic gas come from holes and some folks get crazy.

Yes! Toxic gas that attack brain!

That uh... comes from... holes?

Chemical Goatse.
Reminds me of that episode of House where fissures and cracks in the earth let off gas that got into some girls lungs and made her fall in love with House...

Except this stuff makes u go crazy!
I really wish Lich had enough money to make low-budget movies and that MST3K was still around as well...

The Vault Dweller
A fitting title would be "Medieval Disaster of Death"

Plot outline: cRazY scNEtesT loL kILL pWn omg kiLL SaTan chURch diE Lorrenzo Lamas LoL.

Tag lines: US/No escape from death, except to die , UK/Bloody demons mate? , ESP/Mucho torrente , ARG/Chupacabra de Uwe Boll.