Some Thoughts about new fallout

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Need cheats for StarCraft...

Kidding... but really guys don't forget the most important factor in making a good game, it has to be fun and enjoyable.

PS am I the only person who has had a dream where there playing FO3? Also anyone ever seen the movie "A boy and his dog" ...

Look i think this whole idea of fallout "tactics" is crappy , but im sure that if you are a real fallout fan youll buy this one and if interplay/blackisle doesnt do good with this tactics i think we will be sayin bye bye to fallout 3, thats the main reason im going to by it.
RE: errrr


>Look i think this whole idea
>of fallout "tactics" is
>crappy , but im sure
>that if you are a
>real fallout fan youll buy
>this one and if interplay/blackisle
>doesnt do good with this

BIS is not making Fallout: Tactics. 14 Degrees East is.

>tactics i think we will
>be sayin bye bye to
>fallout 3, thats the main
>reason im going to by

Actually, from what I've heard Fo3 is a reality no matter how Fallout: BOS does.
RE: errrr

I'm sure I'll buy it (from somewhere with a satisfaction guarantee though). If it surprises me and I enjoy it, then I'll keep it. Otherwise, it can go back to sitting on the shelf.

RE: errrr

>I'm sure I'll buy it (from
>somewhere with a satisfaction guarantee
>though). If it surprises
>me and I enjoy it,
>then I'll keep it.
>Otherwise, it can go back
>to sitting on the shelf.

Exactly what happened to Diablo 2 when I got Icewind Dale.
RE: errrr

Is Icewind Dale good? From what I've heard is it's like Baldur's Gate with a good story and better play balance. Nothing revolutionary, but really good for what it is.

RE: errrr

>Is Icewind Dale good? From
>what I've heard is it's
>like Baldur's Gate with a
>good story and better play
>balance. Nothing revolutionary, but
>really good for what it

Let's just say with about 20+ hours on Diablo 2, and about 7 on IWD....

Diablo 2 isn't an RPG, just a slashfest. So it carries very little enjoyment. It's getting boring for even some of the hardest Diablo fans.
Yikes! This is scary! NMA must have one hell of a server!

hehe... seems like you guys need a neutral part to mediate your opinions. Anyone?

Just a suggestion: I skipped to the end of this topic after the first three posts, after which it all became the same, over and over, back and forth. So why don't both sides (mainly Roshambo and Grifman) try (in short, rational posts, and without quotes) to set up a list of what you like and don't like about Fallout 1 or 2 and FOTBOS (that's what this topic was intended to be about, right?)

Example: Roshambo

like about FO: *******

Don't like about FOTBOS: *******

Example: Grifman

don't like about FO: *******

Like about FOTBOS: *******

I'm definitely not sure this will work, but then again, neither did camp david.
RE: Yikes! This is scary! NMA must have one hell of a server

Hey, these arguements can be pretty funny to the bystanders watching it. And mediators on the NMA website? That will happen when a paper dog sucessfully chases an asbestos cat through hell. Got that?
RE: Yikes! This is scary! NMA must have one hell of a server

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-00 AT 01:11AM (GMT)[p]Wow. I have been away a while, just got back. This is very interesting, I have not really been paying attention to this post until I saw it up at the top just now, I can't belive that this thing is still being responded too (and thats not a bad thing). I've been too busy with the Thief series. some very interesting developments. I still support FO:BOS I just have not been to the site in a long time.

Let me get this straight, FO:3 has a extremly good chance of being made? is this right? If so than I am happy I would personally I would rather play FO:3 than FO:BOS, but FO:BOS is probably going to come out before FO:3 (if FO:3 is being made), oh well
RE: Just one remark

Or you can walk down to the basement of the Master's Vault and use the key to set off the nuke.

Still though, there's no better way to beat the game than feeding the Master lots of green-hot plasma!
Tactical combat not part of an RPG?!

I have to agree with the other replies to this. Fallout and Fallout 2 have an excellent turn based tactical combat engine. I have yet to play through either Fallouts without fighting. In fact, I'm not sure it's possible to get through Fallout or Fallout 2 without fighting in several places.

It sounds to me like you'd rather fighting not even be a part of FO3. Gee, I bet that'd fly off the shelves!
RE: Just one remark

I disagree. I found it much more satisfying to have the Master realize the flaw in his plans.

RE: Tactical combat not part of an RPG?!

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-00 AT 12:14PM (GMT)[p]It's possible to go through both Fallouts without fighting. It's much more difficult in 2. It, also, means you'll have to avoid some quests.

I'll just focus on the main story arc, because that's all that matters.

-Get the Water Chip. Requires no combat, you go to the bottom of the vault, take the chip, return to V13.
-Destroy the Master. 1) Convince the Master he's wrong. 2) Turn on the nuke in the basement. Both can be accomplished without combat.
-Destroy the vats. Turn on the self destruct and get out of there. Again, no combat required.

Fallout 2
-Get the Geck. Go to V13, get the Geck.
-Get the FOB from Navarro. You can talk your way into getting it, or use your thief skills.
-You can avoid combat at the bottom of the ship. Use the FOB, then equip the navigator part.
-Fuel the ship. You can give the plans to the Shi. You can hack into the Shi computer. You can have the guy on the ship to hack into the computer.
-Destroy the Oil Rig. Have the scientist release FEV into the air. This will kill off the scientist at the bottom with the computer. Set up some explosives and head to the surface.
-Kill Horrigan. I know you can set the turrets against him. But, that requires the key (which you have to kill the President for).
I've heard you can have some Enclave guys help you out with combat. (Anyone know if this is true?)
Is it possible to hack the computer to turn on the counter insurgency?

I haven't played through FO2 very many times, because there are too many places that annoy me. So I'm not sure if there is a way to take out Horrigan without fighting somewhere.

RE: Just one remark

I dunno, I really enjoyed killing the Master with my Turbo Plasma Rifle and then fighting my way through the spawned mutants on the way out.

Though the Master is fairly easy to kill if the mutants block themselves in the hallway and never advance on you.
RE: Tactical combat not part of an RPG?!

With Horrigan, you can let the turrets and the guards kill him, if they're powerful enough to do it.. Which I'm not sure there are.

As far as not fighting in Fallout 1, as you have said, you'll miss out on a great deal of quests. Many of those quests advance the game, such as the Hub's Deathclaw quest where you find the holodisk. Also, don't Super Mutants attack on sight in the Master's Vault?
RE: Tactical combat not part of an RPG?!

I know for a fact the turrets alone will kill Horrigan. Because, that's how I killed him the first time around. It kept him from shooting at me, so I just sat and watched.

I wouldn't know about the guard, because I didn't I could ask for additional help.

You can get the holodisk without killing the deathclaw. I wouldn't recommend it, but it is possible. A quest you can't complete is like the Rad Scorpian quest. Or killing the people for Decker. Or killing the deathclaw in the Boneyard (which results in you not being able to have the gun runners help the raiders and so on.) So, you'll miss out on some quests; but it's still possible.

If you where Cathedral robes (you can find some in the Boneyard) then they won't attack you. If you talk to the guy on the top floor of the Cathedral you can be taken directly to the Master.
