Someone at Polygon doesn't know how to play DOOM.


Vault Senior Citizen

This is pretty bad. They are also clearly playing with a controller, but they should still be able to move and shoot at the same time with a controller. This player seems incapable of doing that.
So my friend had a girlfriend once who didn't play games at all and I used to bring over my xbox 360 along with Left 4 Dead so we could co-op and she wanted to try. At first she was pretty bad but after just a few weeks she had become a fairly average gamer. She was better than this. After just a few weeks. And she only played it because she enjoyed playing it with us. And this, what, critic? Is suppose to be doing gaming related things for a living. And (s)he's this bad?
Might be his controller.

And this, what, critic? Is suppose to be doing gaming related things for a living. And (s)he's this bad?
A game critic who knows nothing about gaming?
A brother who is a male sibling?
A glass of Water which is H2O?
A tiger who is a big cat?
A bow and arrow that is a weapon?
What other tautologies can you think of?
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A game critic who knows nothing about gaming?
A brother who is a male sibling?
A glass of Water which is H2O?
A tiger that's a big cat?
A bow and arrow that is a weapon?
What other tautologies can you think of?
I know game critics are full of shit with a lot of crap they spouse but I figured that they'd at the very least be able to play a fucking game, yknow.
I'm just imagining someone seriously watching the original video, all enthused to see the play-through of DOOM, and then slowly coming to the realisation of just how awful the guy playing it is. I feel sorry anyone watching that, seeing such a cringey playthrough must have really made you ....
Curb Your Enthusiasm
In other news, the SP campaign actually looks incredible from what I've seen so far. Nothing like the tacked on, pointless MP crap that doesn't even get what arena shooters are meant to be. Shall be buying... one day. Not for full price though.

Also, it's Polygon, they're too busy reporting on pointless gender politics and whining about MUH MISOGYNY to actually have any time left to play games in order to git gud.
Games journalism is awful and they hire people based on the ability to act in a sensationalist manner rather than actual passion for the medium. In other news, grass is green and the sun will set this evening.

People were actually surprised when one of the gameplay videos for DOOM from pre-release had someone who actually knew how to play playing it. That's right, it's now the exception and not the norm that gamers are the ones who play games during game previews. This was kind of an obvious consequence when video games went mainstream, I mind it a little, I'm sure other older gamers here will mind it much more than I do.