Someone else here into HOI2 and customizing the game files?


Keeper of the trout
If you are familiar with the game files, you will know of the "excel files" as I will refer to them, the files that are opened, read and saved using Excel. In these files I could change the map color of nations, their names, etc. For example, I used these files to create "Chechnya" for a modern world map I made ages ago.

Since then many patches have been released, and I have long since uninstalled whatever version I had back then (often in rage). At the moment I have it uninstalled because of the some times crash-happy nature of the game*
(In rage! But I am considering re-installing... again... )

But this is what is confusing me, with the final patch for the non-expanded version: Changes in the excel files no longer materialize IN the game. At least this is my experience, although I cannot see the logic of this.

For example, before even starting a new game I changed the name "Communist China" to "PRC" (because), but as I started a new game, the country was still named "Communist China", although that is supposedly the file from which it gets this name. As I go back to check if the changes had been saved, the country was indeed named "PRC" and even a word-search proved "Communist China" was nowhere to be found in the file. But any new game will still use the name "Communist China", despite theoretically having nowhere to get this name from.
Re-coloring also does not work, in short, none of the excel-files seem to have the active interaction with the game that one would logically expect. This of course prevents me from creating new nations, like I did in the past, because a unused country slot (there's ten of them I think) cannot be renamed from its default "empty slot" kind of designation.
"Empty slot" is a horrible name for a country -.-

Does anybody know what I'm rambling about here, and how this can be happening? More than anything, it is the logical fallacy of this that is boggling me. I am very probably overlooking something very obvious, because... it should interact directly with those files! But it's been years since I successfully modified my own maps, so I may be remembering it wrong...

I'm just as well asking you guys, since me and Google aren't the best of buddies. If nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about, my thread will sink like oceanic snow, and I'm fine with that too :]

* I am avoiding the expansions, and try to keep the game "vanilla", except for purely practical patches.
Have you asked these questions on the Paradox forum? Because that's the place to go to get help modding HoI2. I used to do it, but it was a long, long time ago and I don't remember the details.
UniversalWolf said:
Have you asked these questions on the Paradox forum? Because that's the place to go to get help modding HoI2. I used to do it, but it was a long, long time ago and I don't remember the details.

That would be the logical place to go yes.
I hate joining forums tho :D
But yea...
zegh8578 said:
I hate joining forums tho...
Well, as forums go, that's a pretty good one. Just stay away from any discussion of where the national borders should be for the Balkan states. It's a powderkeg!
UniversalWolf said:
zegh8578 said:
I hate joining forums tho...
Well, as forums go, that's a pretty good one. Just stay away from any discussion of where the national borders should be for the Balkan states. It's a powderkeg!

I wonder if I can find some Ecuadorian, and explain to him why it is completely sensible that Peru keep Iquitos. After all, in some-or-other Spanish colonial incarnation, the Peru Viceroyalty did-or-did-not keep that region!
The issue is as crystal clear as the Falkland Islands one!

I'll go see if I can work the nerve up to include another forum in my bookmarks, thanx for the tip!