someone to help a Frenchy?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Hello dear brothers... :)
My name is Soifran.
I'm French and 35 years old, have 2 children.
This year , during my holidays, I was taken by nostalgie and installed
One time again...Fallout 2...
And I say myslef...Hey soif, let's chearch on the web if there is a patch or something else.
And I found the french forum of Fallout of Hawk eyes and his friends.
Restoration Project...
After few hours of playing, I decide to test moding....
My first try was to change the car.
here is the first try


hé,hé, i laught also when I see this first try.
Notice that I 've draw the car in full 3D and the FRM work and I can use it :)

Clearly, the "position" of this car is... :) amator ...not the good angles :)
(i didn't talk about the color :)

The day after, I take new view of my car.


but the mapping was....shitting :)

This car 'd created some interrest of some guys.
They decide to map it.
and after some test, here is the last version:



It was to try entering in the matrice ;)

After we decide to manipulate some existing script.
The very famous klint script.

After encountering some problem of set up with pre compiler and compiler, we aptempt ti do it.

We have understand where put files, what files modifie, etc, etc,
add the number at the critters.lst, header, etcc...

But now...
We are...blocked.
I arrive to compile a new script, with a new name , copy of ACKLINT.
There is nos problem.
I can see it in the mapper, and assign it.
I have change the #define NAME ACKLINT.INT in #define NAME ACKINKIN.INT
(kinkin is the name of my new test pnj)
All the new file ACKINKIN.MSG are in the french directory.
PROTO.MSG have ze number 000485 with the corrext description, and sub description.
But when a Assign the ackinkin script to my critters, and I want to test it by pressing F8 , when I look at him, I can see error...
I precise that error is written in english...
My fallout version is in french.It isn't patched.
Only the mapper is in subdirectory of fallout.
the modified command line 100 101 in the ACKINKIN.MSG are correctly written, but he doesn't want to read it....
And when I want to talk with my critter ( a new critter, created without problem and working when I run the game).
there is a fatal error...


the error text looking at NPC:


I don't understand what happening...
Are you aware about this kind of trouble?
We are really motived and have read tons of tutoriel in your lang...
But here...we are alone in the wasteland...
Can you help us pliz ?
And maybe one day I 'll be happy when the rose beat the coq at Twickenham... :mrgreen:
To finish, thank you having read me, hoping I don't buried you.
And Excuse me for my english.
It spends a lot of year I hadn't spoke english.
Bye ,bye , hoping read you soon.

Brother Soifran.
Excuse me for disturbing...
I have found the mistake..(I think it's it)
There is a scrname.msg file une FSE , don't present
in my data/text/...
I 've extract it from master, and notice this one was
bigger than the one in FSE...
I 've add my new script at the end..
Save, and copy it in FSE directory...
And now it works...
Scuse me, and may be see you soon.
HAve a nice day

Brother Soif
I really like the rusty van in the third screenshot. Would be nice to find it in the Megamod one of these days.
Solid stuff, Mr. French! I mean, at least you have got some potential and, if the God will want to, a real verve! :ok:

Tell me, have you already heard about the BGE Project? :D
Nice. Straight out of the '50s, with a good Fallout look to it. VW buses will be around forever, it seems.
brother_soifran said:
Jesterka said:
Tell me, have you already heard about the BGE Project? :D

Ouuuarff :)
You send some big stones.
Very nice arts.
What can you see we can do for you Jesterka?
Thanks, but lets cool it down a bit - if you're going to make some endeavor here, I would suggest you to work on any scenery you like - like in case of the bus - and upload it on the Custom Art Repository (lost the link on my old PC, sorry then). The stuff uploaded here is considered to be "freeware" and many modders actually borrows from, because it's just so goddamn simple. Also, watch closely every Continuum's step here. :D

In case you would make a good name for yourself among the modders, it's highly probable you will be hovered around by project leaders, so I wanted to be 1st for once. :ok:
hello again.
We have decide to continue our adventure in modding, and we progress well.
We know make spome quest, dialogue, new pnj, new weapons (winchester 30/30) and we have decide to put all of them in a new scenery...
I,ve draw some new mountain and look for the tutorial of red about making new prototype.
All is good, and when I launch the mapper, I go to the last scenery, click on the blank one at the end and make edit.
The window open itself and I can change le setting of my new scenery like the skin.At the end of the list I see my new mountain, I make done, all is good And I can put it where I want.
I save my test map, and when I come back in the mapper, my nex scenery have desappear of the list...
My scenery.lst in the data/proto/scenery has been updated and a new numero has been created, but no new .pro...
And I can't edit it again in the mapper, asking me something like "can't save prototype here"...
Have you any idea to help us?
Someone has already encounter this troubleshooting?
Thanks for your help.

just to see you what kind of futur scenery we want to put on Fallout.
But I don't understand why it doesn't work :(




This is only exemple of futur scenery, those are not mapped, but it's not the more complicate.
Thank for your help I hope.

Your van is kewl. It needs more marijuana leafs and peace signs though... or maybe no Hippies in FO universe 1960s?

I like the airstream too.
Actually, adding other scenery for multiple cars would be easy. It would even be possible to create other trunks that would be dealt with like party members, so you will have your stuff with you depending on which trunk you had. One problem, though, is how the game would deal with fuel. There is only one fuel level in the game. So, you would have multiple vehicles sharing the same fuel tank, blower, and any other upgrades. I guess one possible way around this is to be only able to have one vehicle at a time, issued from a central location. Then you could assume that the fuel is transferred from one vehicle to another. Only vehicles that required no fuel, and therefore traveled slowly, would be exempt from this type of thing, though. For example, a pack animal or a cart pulled by brahmen.
That is hilariously lame (even if my native language is retard, nyuk, nyuk) to have fuel be a property of the game not the individual item.

I was trying to think of a "reasonable" way to add a "car culture" town (i.e LA) without it violating sense and reason (like if LA all has cars... how come no one ever drives one to reno?)

My thought was that there's not enough fusion cells (talking about for NPCs/NPC locations) to go around to power people's joy rides etc; they are needed for more important things. So some dude in LA is modifying "fusion" cars to run on brahmin dung, or something (what do all the waterpumps and generators in FO universe run on, anyway). The modification makes the cars really delicate, so you can't really reliably drive far without one breaking down.

You could code this by having no fuel check (like your caravan vehicle) BUT the car breaks down on average fast enough to prevent long trips across the waste land (once/day?). Like do a pseudo-encounter check every tile you drive on to see if your car breaks. You might be able to make a couple repairs with junk + super toolkit etc, but eventually it would be too broken, and AAA stopped sending out tow trucks 160 years ago...
brother_soifran said:
All is good, and when I launch the mapper, I go to the last scenery, click on the blank one at the end and make edit.
The window open itself and I can change le setting of my new scenery like the skin.At the end of the list I see my new mountain, I make done, all is good And I can put it where I want.
I save my test map, and when I come back in the mapper, my nex scenery have desappear of the list...
My scenery.lst in the data/proto/scenery has been updated and a new numero has been created, but no new .pro...
And I can't edit it again in the mapper, asking me something like "can't save prototype here"...
Have you any idea to help us?
Someone has already encounter this troubleshooting?

Soifran - i totally dig the Airstream caravan. I had a similar idea myself, and i think it fits perfectly into the FO world. Good work.

Now, about your proto problem - here's a few things that tripped me up when it comes to making new scenery:

a) The directory structure of the folders you need to create (i presume you know which folders where from the tutorial) needs to be exactly right. Especially - the ones that go onto your C: (or whatever your primary drive is) do NOT go in your Fallout folder. Simple i know but that one tripped me up.

b) The mapper likes to delete your protos after you've made them - usually if you start the game up afterward. The solution is to make backups of your new protos or make the folder read only.

Hope this is some help - if not post again, and i'm sure someone can help.