Somthing is going on


Carbon Dated and Proud
Evidently there is something going on at IPLY, according to one of the investors at the Raging Bull forums who stopped by the IPLY Offices:<blockquote>There are people in the office. Stopped by today. Learned something I would like to share with you, but not on this board.</blockquote>So what could it be? A new car for Hervie boy ?
Link: Thread@RagingBull forums
Thanks goes out to Briosafreak for informing me.
There are people in the office.
Maybe junkies or homeless people moved in?

Stopped by today. Learned something I would like to share with you, but not on this board.
Oooh, myst-ary! Must be sensitive information. I bet he found Herve's porn stash, but decided to keep it a secret because it contains nude video clips of Donald Rumsfeld.
Maybe Herve's being arrested.

Yes, I know it wont happen but we must keep up hope.

Proably either more bull shit about FOOL or theyre closing up shop.
Maybe Interplay has adpoted a new system of cutting back on wages by now including Canadian holidays to days off?

(Today is Canadian Thanksgiving for the uninformed)
I hope Interplay hasn't decided to sell the rights to FOOL. It would be a shame if the game actually got made.

Well... unless Troika bought it.
Lost Metal said:
I hope Interplay hasn't decided to sell the rights to FOOL. It would be a shame if the game actually got made.

Well... unless Troika bought it.

Especially if Troika bought it

-edited for emphasis-
If Troika bought it I'd play it and wouldn't think any less of them.

Plus, with the Fallout name, it's probably the only chance they have at convincing a publisher to allow them to use a turn-based system.

None of it really matters, though. Since this is extremely far-fetched and pretty much a 99.9% chance of not happening.
Maybe Bethesda is reviewing the completed data for Van Buren, and Iply is digging that out ? (yes, once again pure speculation.)
Hmmmm, I wonder if Herve got some sucker company to invest in FOOL?

If he did, it could actualy wind up being quite funny (asside from the draging the FO name thru the mud part) when the new investors realize theyre fucked over.
PsychoSniper said:

I really doubt they need any more evidence to prove Fifi has been operating companies on bad faith. Hell, Interplay alone proved that the man would fuck any business partner, customer, employee, or investor over in order to put more money into his own pocket. Anything he does for the company in turn is centered solely around himself and a few others.

I wonder if he's going to enjoy being Martha Stewart's bitch, or if she's going to make a prison TV special about "How to Make a Stylish Toothbrush Shiv to Shank Your French Prison Bitch With".
Lol Rosh.I agree that everyone should know how bad Herve is by now, but theres always another sucker............
The only secret I am interested in is this:

IPLY stock owned by insiders 76.9%
IPLY stock owned by Herve Caen 71.5%

Current assets (as of March, 04): $4.5 million
Current debt (as of March, 04): $18.0 million
Net current debt: $13.5 million

Too bad we can't go after Herve and ask him for the $9.7 million as his personal share of the net amount owed different creditors based on his incompetence. Of course, you could argue he is the cause of the entire $13.5 million black hole, since much of the final hemmorhaging occured while he was nominally "in charge" (though can any company in complete free-fall like this one was be refered to as being managed?)
Murdoch said:
Lost Metal said:
Well... unless Troika bought it.

Especially if Troika bought it
Well, Troika could buy it, then use the rights to make the first Single player mmorpg with turn based tactical combat and decent character interaction and history ever.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Ooh, a single player massively multiplayer online rpg!

Its a godsend! You'll get the best of both world's being able to play without going online yet still being to communicate and act with people all over the world! Wow if someone could make that...I would buy it!

:look: ,
The Vault Dweller