Sounds from Fallout

Billy Bob

First time out of the vault
Hi guys, where I can find sounds (like lvl up sounds etc.) ? Maybe you know place where I can just download them all? If no, where I can find those sounds in the Fallout/Fallout 2 directory and how to make mp3/wav of those sounds?
why download them if you allready have them? Yes, there is a way to get at them. You need a DAT tool like DatManLite or (the one i use) DAT Explorer, then exract the sounds you want (of which will be in .acm file format, fallout's sound format) and use a utility like acm2wav or acmconv to convert the sounds to .wav files.

You will notice that the sounds you play will appear to be a bit faster... it's coz they are. Fallout's sounds are played at 50% speed because it saves space. If your familar with images and the concept of interlacing (removing every second line in an image.. eg: starcraft 1's movies) then it's ideally the same thing, but for sound.

the next obvious step is do do something cool like replace them with your own sounds which is easy enough. Just get a cool gun sound to replace whichever sound file you want, go into the generic Windows Sound Recorder, change the format, reduce speed by 50%, use a tool like snd2acm to convert it back to an acm, then put that sound file under the original sound's name into the directory which it belongs in (typically something like Fallout 2/Data/Sound/sfx.. depending on where you got the sound from) and try it out in the game.
I got a problem here. When I'm trying to extract any files from master.DAT using DatManLite "DAT Manager: An error has occurred! I can't extract this DAT to the selected directory!"
Well, I tried to change the directory but this didn't help.
Right, Thanks! But seems like I got another problem. I cant convert acm to wav, acm2wav is to long because i need to convert 1362 files at the same time. and AnalogX ACMconverter convert only from wav to acm.
you can tell it to do multiple ones too though.. gimme a minute, i'll dig round for my batch file for it. I'll edit this post after i find it

EDIT: Ok found it 5 seconds later lol. Ok it seems i used a program called AcmConv, which is not a cmd tool but a nice GUI one, and it has the "Add Files" option, meaning you can just shift-click the whole folder once it's extracted. can't be stuffed / sure if its on nma-files or not, so you can download here.. only 480kb or so. to WAV
Thanks man! You really help me! But don't get it which program do you use to reduce sound speed at 50% ? There is way to reduce speed of all files in the same time?
oh just the normal Microsoft Sound Recorder (if your using windows that is). Like how when you right click on a .wav file, and go to "Record") and then just use then go into Effects > Decrease Speed.. which halves the speed essentially. As for multiple files to reduce speed, i duno..., but i've never had to reduce them all at the same time. I've ever just found the right sound within a certain range, tested em out, reduced em to pinpoint the right one, then put in the new sound, bla bla bla.. the rest