First time out of the vault

Hey Guys
I was too lazy to thoroughly search the forum for any similar threads so be gentle
I have a couple of friends who are die-hard fallout fans (who isn't right). We've been going over various engines that we could use to make a fallout mod and source came-up as probably the best candidate for the job.
One of our 'team' members tried creating a mod based on aurora engine (NWN) but that went to shit due to the infamous ranged weapons limitation. We also considered using Oblivion's engine but fekin Bethesda beat us to it
So being a huge HL fan i've suggested using Source. IMHO the fact that you can code whatever your sick mind can envision is the most attractive aspect of Source modding (physix and eyecandy aside ofc).
I asked around and it seems getting turn-based izo thing going won't be an issue (4-6 month's of sleepless nights should do it).
We are not considering remaking any part of original fallout games but rather thought it would be a good idea to take a look at what happened elsewhere on our once flourishing planet.
Since the three of us are Russian by trade we decided that cold-war post apocalyptic USSR will surly make one hell of a backdrop for a Fallout mod (talk about cyberpunk
So far we got the following peoples
Me - General Codding (probably some level design)
Ain Mosni - kikass modeller with 8 years 3ds work exp (texturing aint his strong point tho) (Dude if you read this you know its true so don't hate)
DeadSmile - AI and General Codding (cant level design or anything design to save his life)
So it is clear that we need everyone
Anywho all bullshit aside please post you CONSTRUCTIVE criticism here. And anyone wanting to help out drop a line. BTW we are based in Cyprus so if there are any humans on this forsaken island that played Fallout yell out.
Let the nukes fall, save this thread and NMA
I was too lazy to thoroughly search the forum for any similar threads so be gentle

I have a couple of friends who are die-hard fallout fans (who isn't right). We've been going over various engines that we could use to make a fallout mod and source came-up as probably the best candidate for the job.
One of our 'team' members tried creating a mod based on aurora engine (NWN) but that went to shit due to the infamous ranged weapons limitation. We also considered using Oblivion's engine but fekin Bethesda beat us to it

So being a huge HL fan i've suggested using Source. IMHO the fact that you can code whatever your sick mind can envision is the most attractive aspect of Source modding (physix and eyecandy aside ofc).
I asked around and it seems getting turn-based izo thing going won't be an issue (4-6 month's of sleepless nights should do it).
We are not considering remaking any part of original fallout games but rather thought it would be a good idea to take a look at what happened elsewhere on our once flourishing planet.
Since the three of us are Russian by trade we decided that cold-war post apocalyptic USSR will surly make one hell of a backdrop for a Fallout mod (talk about cyberpunk

So far we got the following peoples

Me - General Codding (probably some level design)
Ain Mosni - kikass modeller with 8 years 3ds work exp (texturing aint his strong point tho) (Dude if you read this you know its true so don't hate)
DeadSmile - AI and General Codding (cant level design or anything design to save his life)
So it is clear that we need everyone

Anywho all bullshit aside please post you CONSTRUCTIVE criticism here. And anyone wanting to help out drop a line. BTW we are based in Cyprus so if there are any humans on this forsaken island that played Fallout yell out.
Let the nukes fall, save this thread and NMA