South park is right on Bono

I used to love U2, their old stuff is just raw irish rock and I love it. They'd also changed their sound dramatically several times and amazingly it was always great, even their electronic Pop album. They also had a really cool attitude, they were Rage Against the Machine of the time (not musically). So, U2 was one of the best bands in the world for me.

Now, it's a crappy pop band, they aren't that much into music and it definitely shows. They come up with some tired, bland songs and everybody loves it for some reason.

As for Bono, he completely sold out. The politicians he used to rebel against are now his buddies. All of a sudden Bush is great and Putin is my buddy. As far as music, I don't even consider him a musician anymore.
I've never understood why someone who's learned to play the game is suddenly a "sell-out." You can't fix the machine without some point of access, unless you've got the power to dash it to bits entirely and the willingness to deal with the catastrophic consequences of doing so.

Right on about their music, though.
Yeah but he used to call the white house from stage and be so openly rebelious and then he is singing songs on Bush'es inauguration. He is not criticising and demanding anymore, he is just one of them. Yeah, I know that you can say that that's the way to get things to happen nowadays but he is overdoing it.
Wait, wait-- the man was dialing up the office of one of the most powerful leaders in the free world as part of his stage show, and he wasn't overdoing it before?
Yamu said:
Wait, wait-- the man was dialing up the office of one of the most powerful leaders in the free world as part of his stage show, and he wasn't overdoing it before?

That's actually the point. He didn't simply turn it down a notch, he went from one extreme to the complete opposite. It wouldn't be that bad if he just mellowed down or if he hadn't been so rebellious in the first place.