Space R0bat

teh fonx

First time out of the vault
Just a concept pice for my personal prject aptly titled What if Meteors Prevail, some of you might remeber some other stuff i posted. At any rate, this one is not quite done yet, but close enough, so feel free to drop you two cents :)

That's how I always wanted Skynet to look like in Fallout Two; his own pair of cannon/arms would've been useful. It was always a shame to give him a lousy weapon that didn't suit him, considering his high Small Guns skill.

Your bot's torso and upper dorsal cannon/arms kinda reminds me of the bot from "Lost In Space" (the more recent movie bot, not the one from the television series). Replace the four wheel legs with tank treads and I can perfectly imagine it bleating, "Danger Will Robinson!"
heh, i was hoping to get away with not making the lost in space influence too strong, but you saw right through me ;(, at any rate, im glad you like it,

remeber though, while 50's inspired its still for a project unconected with fallout or lost in space although heavily influenced by both great franchises.
Nice, looks good.. It looks 3d, believeable.
If you draw it again over the scetch, it´ll be great.
thnx guys, not gona ink it as this is just a reference sketch for modeler, it should be made into a model within the next week.
yeah looks nice but ther's something missing...

...or thers to much of other things...

think about it ;)