Speak up, Brotha!

Whoa, that's.. odd. How do you mean you feel good that dumb racism works both ways, though? I'd just call that bad news altogether. ;)
Yeah, Beaners, Chinks, Darkies and Mutants are all capable of raceism as well. But you know what? That's all a part of freedom. Freedom of speech and thought.

People may not like what racists say, but at least they're exercising their right to free speech.
I love how people clap when he says he's been vegan for thirty years. I guess they were amazed the same way that people are amazed when someone can hold their breath for a long time. :rolleyes:

"I'm not goin' to waste time figuring out why they want to kill us, but that's what they want to do"

Haha, thanks for the insightful commentary, jackass. I'll go back to my veranda and my Bimmer and my white suit and commence oppressin'.
People like this irritate the hell out of me. It's almost funny when you work on a construction or demolition site and hear a minority bitching about how this is the new form of enslavement, that blacks and mexicans do that work while white men sit and rake in the money, completely ignoring that there's just as many white guys standing there working next to them not bitching and making the same 7bucks an hour. It's not about race anymore, it's about money. I've worked under black guys who have money, I've worked under white guys who have money, it's all about who has the damn money and who doesn't.

It also irritated me listening to minorities in the military talk about how they were placed in that assignment to die or to sheild the white men meanwhile white guys fight and die right beside them.
I can't believe that bastard built his own log cabin! How am I supposed to pay the taxes on my plantation if my "imitation niggers" don't buy products from me?

Yeah... wow.
Hay guys, I've never been rascist in my life, and I can say with reasonable certainty that my ancestors were never slave/plantation/theme park owners, but my skin is white, I must be evil!
"I don't know why, I just know they want to kill us!"

"They try to kill us in many ways, psychologically [...]electro-magnetically"
Electro-magnetically? What?
Each night I concentrate very hard on a jar of beans for fifteen minutes, hoping to sprout a mutated killer plant that will go on a rampage against people of some skin colour.
I particularly enjoyed the loud "WHAT!?" when he called blacks immitation niggers.

As long as we're on the subject, I suppose exterminating the white man couldn't hurt.


I've always said vegetarianism does bad things to your mental state. But would they listen? NO! Instead they become more *vegans* and NOW see what we got.

I suddenly have the weird idea that G. W. Bush might be a vegan. At least that would explain why he had to fake a turkey.
Ashmo said:
I've always said vegetarianism does bad things to your mental state. But would they listen? NO!
This is why I am a humanitarian, I am a devoted racist that hate not only the black people, I hate everyone, I hate you, whichever thing you are, I hate even myself, this is what a devoted racist is. Uh, and I am a humanitarian cause I eat people.
SuAside said:
As long as we're on the subject, I suppose exterminating mankind couldn't hurt. Fixed.
If only there would be better things.
Jarno Mikkola said:
Uh, and I am a humanitarian cause I eat people.
Anyone else, I'd roll my eyes at the pun, but this is Jarno...

Anyway, who's for feeding the next "omfg f3 is goin to rox bcuuz betheesda is maikng it!!11!" noob to him?
WTF man? Since when do you get an applause for being vegan and why would we want to kill all the black people? I would hate to see only Nascar on ESPN