Speech Challange makes CHARISMA almost useless?


First time out of the vault
I was wondering if Charisma has any other effect other then speech challenges.

Cause if that's all it does then it makes CHA practically useless since you can just quick save and load.

I think it would have been better if convincing characters didn't go on % of succeding or failing, but on having to meet certain requirements for Speech and Charisma.
To be honest I didn't see [charisma] be an influence outside of responses to Moira during the Wasteland Survival Guide.
Yeah, Charisma seems useless, haven't seen any checks for it, the NPC is limited to one anyways, and initial reactions from the "talking heads" don't vary either. I guess it affects the speech skill (it should, right? not sure though).

I'm playing with a char with 1 Charisma, and it doesn't really feel like I am.
Ausdoerrt said:
Yeah, Charisma seems useless, haven't seen any checks for it, the NPC is limited to one anyways, and initial reactions from the "talking heads" don't vary either. I guess it affects the speech skill (it should, right? not sure though).

I'm playing with a char with 1 Charisma, and it doesn't really feel like I am.
It should effect the starting value at least.
I made the mistake of giving my character high perception and high charisma in my first playthrough. You can still easily pass speech checks with a low charisma, if you beef up speech. Perception was a horrible choice for a high number too, as I first thought it would effect my shooting skills. Boy, was I wrong. Perception does nothing to determine shot skill, and instead only makes enemys pop up on your radar from futher away. Safe to say, all the S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats have little bearing upon gameplay, except for Strength, which affect carry limit.

EDIT: Oh and the stats also affect what perks you can have. Thats about it.
I hope someone will be able to mod Charisma check into the game when it comes to convincing npcs.

For example you need N Charisma to be able to use your speech skills to attempt to convince someone.

I also wish the items like a freaking baseball cap that boost Perception had the perception increase part remove.

The perk that boosts a SPECIAL stat should be removed as well, or put at a high level such as 15.

I really wish this game had Iron-boy mode.
Charisma in Fallout 3 useless? I would say that except for Perception and Strength, EVERY stat is useless.

The 'Gifted' Trait in Fallout 2 seemed to be as a balance for those who wanted a more rounded character (the everyman) and the only other stat improvements came with a heavy time price (not that it really mattered in the end *sigh*) but in Fallout 3 stats seem to be entirely useless for defining a character or roleplaying in any way!

From the very first levels you can choose to pump Perks into a potential 10, read it 10 stat increases. And granted that for a game with only 20 levels this might cripple the role-playing aspect a little... but it simply makes no sense to me at all. If you are making an RPG, forcing the player to a restricted style of play (eg stupid) on the basis of player ignorance is a good way of making the player PAY ATTENTION while they play. The stats become relevent the longer the person plays.

This whole idea of 'not wanting to restrict gameplay' is for the birds. Lazy-arse gamers of the me-generation gotta learn to not expect to be spoon-fed.

Charisma in Fallout 3. Bah. Fallout 3 itself is redundant. The game plays itself.

(resisted the urge to write 'plays with itself'...)
It angers me that I can have a horrible stat, but still easily succeed easily at the skill its derives from. Choices and Consequences my ass.
SoberCounsel said:
Charisma in Fallout 3. Bah. Fallout 3 itself is redundant. The game plays itself.

(resisted the urge to write 'plays with itself'...)

In Beth PA world, the game plays you!
I haven't played the game yet (i'm gonna marathon it tonight with my brother when I get off work). But if the SPECIAL stats are truly useless that does suck, a lot. However, as far as being able to make Speech checks with low CHA, you could do that in FO2. My favorite character had 2 CHA but Speech as a tag skill. . . he could get through all the speechifying stuff just fine.

It seemed like CHA's main benefit was for NPC companion limits. Of course now that that's no longer relevant (one of the biggest mistakes in the design IMO) it would make sense to have charisma play a higher role in the game.
AbbieRevo said:
I haven't played the game yet (i'm gonna marathon it tonight with my brother when I get off work). But if the SPECIAL stats are truly useless that does suck, a lot. However, as far as being able to make Speech checks with low CHA, you could do that in FO2. My favorite character had 2 CHA but Speech as a tag skill. . . he could get through all the speechifying stuff just fine.

It seemed like CHA's main benefit was for NPC companion limits. Of course now that that's no longer relevant (one of the biggest mistakes in the design IMO) it would make sense to have charisma play a higher role in the game.
Charisma should modifiy the needed speech skill to pass a skill check, as should your gender and the gender of the other.
Commented on this in other posts, but yes charisma seems worthless. I have 7 charisma and random people and even some NPCs i have helped out tell me to fuck off.

It doesnt seem you need any certain level of charisma to get a certain follower.

Wherever there is a [Charisma] speech option there is also a [Intelligence] speech option

While we are on it Speech skill doesn't seem to help in game much either, you don't get stuff done through speech you get stuff done by picking the nicest sounding option or giving someone the reach around as i call it.

This really sucks because to me this was at least 50% of the old fallout games. Every option you picked seemed to need a high speech and charisma to be accepted.
if you have low intel you wont get certain high intel speech checks but its usually not much of a big deal....theres often a skill check for whatever you have....i actually just thought of that, is there a skill check in these instances for each encounter or just certain ones at certain times?
SoberCounsel said:
Charisma in Fallout 3 useless? I would say that except for Perception and Strength, EVERY stat is useless.

Hmmm, I'm not sure I agree. I'd say Intelligence for skills and checks, Agility for V.A.T.S. and possibly Perception for the proper gunmanship (though it doesn't seem to have as big an impact as I expected).

Agility is definitely the center combat stat and, with that, automatically the center stat.
zioburosky13 said:

Does low Intelligence affect the dialog?
In a way, it does. I saw several occurences of [Intelligence] specific dialogs (whether the dialog option is really intelligent is another matter).
Anyway, max out intelligence early as it gives you more skill points to spend.

Charisma in Fallout 3 useless? I would say that except for Perception and Strength, EVERY stat is useless.
Not quite, Luck affect % of criticals that are needed in Very Hard against ennemies that can take thousands of bullets. Intelligence affects the number of skill points you get to spend on level up (on a smaller scale than the previous games, but still). Agility makes you run faster and gives more V.A.T.S. points. Charisma is .... useless :|
too bad you cant find books in shops randomly, then you wouldnt need the extra skill points....although ive only explored about.....i wanna say 50% of the side areas there may be enough books to max out all booked skills...ive found about 40 books so far
Brother None said:
Hmmm, I'm not sure I agree. I'd say Intelligence for skills and checks, Agility for V.A.T.S. and possibly Perception for the proper gunmanship (though it doesn't seem to have as big an impact as I expected).

Unfortunately PE doesn't affect your accuracy in VATS or otherwise, so the only way it directly affects combat is that it increases your energy weapon skill.