ST: Away Team

Yeah, I played it. It's a bit like Tactics, but it's not that good actually. Sound cones were a nice addition, but it was poorly implemented (IIRC - I mean, I can't remember actually finishing it). Not very hard to play though (again like FOT). It should be worth the nine bucks (but don't complain if you find out it isn't). :wink:
A Star Trek game + a squad-based tactical one?


Dude, Star Trek: Away Team sucks. I think it was developed by the same people who made Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader. In fact, I hear those two games are quite similar. :wink:
It's a waste of money.

It's buggy as fuck, and not that enjoyable.

I havent playd in in years.

If it had an editor, it might be fun but as is it's crap.

Though I do like the vision and sound cones.
I just reaplay'd it last nite, after spending an hour looking for the damned CD.

The game is shit. It's one of those games that could have only been saved by a good editor.

Well, not really but then I couldve made some semifun maps.