STALKER: Call of Pripyat Burerville

Yay, slow-motion again.

Seriously... Yes, the atmosphere looks nice but I totally can't stand this terminator slow-mo-I-keel-you stuff.
The slow mo stuff works marvelously on hard FPSs. It's like SO good, no matter what, no matter what they implement, it's incredibly awesome.

I mean, given that you are killing way more than your share through the game, of course, as happens with pretty much all action games...

What I don't like about the trailer is the ending. It's not funny at all.
Great, Stalker meets F.E.A.R. and again, all is sweet scripted. They should make a proper trailer showing how new A.I. Life works really.
Coop mode plz !

Like, d'uh, why isn't it in the game already ?
The game litteraly screams "COOP"...

And yeah slow-mo is getting really, really old.
In fact, it got old immediately after Max Payne 2.
Did your brains atrophy while I was not looking? Slow motion is not in the game. Jesus Fucking Christ, stop complaining about things that do not appear in the game.
Yes, but it is in the trailer and this makes the trailer shitty.
Stalker always appears so cheap to me. It never could convince me.
The potential is great but the games are so uninteresting.
Atmosphere and environment looks great, but I somewhat agree with Nexuiz. The storyline of the series never really interested me.
I've played Shadow of Chernobyl, didn't really get into it. Plus the sideways stagger the character does as he runs gave me a damn headache, was there ANY need for it? :?
I got used to it, but my motion sickness is pretty light and applies to only some very few games. My biggest pain was with Quake 2, even though I finished the bastard.
i've always liked stalker and i think the trailer was pretty sweet, and if it was supposed to be slo-mo then they did it poorly. when i watched i thought it was their pc lagging. the first thing that came to my mind was "damn, these guys need the patch!"
STALKER was the only other thing besides FEAR that has scared me since i was 4 and the greatest thing ever was Jurassic Park

This trailer was better than the last one, CO-op? no thanks! that would kill most of the atmosphere and scare factors

I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with the series as a whole, my only problem is after a point its no trouble getting the best loot and so it can be a little tough to keep going, there is no character creation or experience system
MrBumble said:
Coop mode {"Plz" bitch-slap me.} !

Like, d'uh, why isn't it in the game already ?
The game litteraly screams "COOP"...

And yeah slow-mo is getting really, really old.
In fact, it got old immediately after Max Payne 2.

While I wouldn't, and in fact won't, bitch-slap you in any way, shape or form whatsoever, I agree coop would be pretty darn good:

-Hey bud how's it going?
-Good, good. Hey I was exploring earlier and found this abandoned building to the east. I approached but the whole shit scared me like a baby and I just had to run away!
-Well, we should fucking go check it out!
[Earth-shattering, memory imprinting, life-changing and noun-adjectiving adventure with your bestest friend evar follows.]
I'm okay with all anomalies...

But that telepathy-chair-tossing-Yoda is just fucking hilarious... Which would be okay in Serious Sam, but he's ruining the dark atmosphere.