STALKER: Call of Pripyat Burerville

This trailer was cheesy enough to melt into fondue.

dirtbag said:
I'm okay with all anomalies...

But that telepathy-chair-tossing-Yoda is just fucking hilarious... Which would be okay in Serious Sam, but he's ruining the dark atmosphere.
It's a dwarf, and they were supposed to be in the original game but got cut along with many other mutants such as the Izlom and the Tark (pictured below). There are mods that reintroduce some of the cut enemies. But not the Tark, unfortunately.


Man, I want to run for my life from this thing so much.
Stalker was always a series I wanted to like, but just couldn't quite get into it. The first game was just too buggy, and I found Clear Sky to be insanely difficult. The Zero Punctuation review of Clear Sky pretty much sums up my experience with that game.

I love the setting, I love the look, but the game play itself needs work. With Clear Sky it played like a game that never had any play testing done by people that weren't working on it.
dirtbag said:
I'm okay with all anomalies...

But that telepathy-chair-tossing-Yoda is just fucking hilarious... Which would be okay in Serious Sam, but he's ruining the dark atmosphere.

considering the trailer, yes. it was poorly done. however, in game, if you're walking around in the dark, and one of those things comes out and starts throwing shit at you, you're going to be pissing your pants.

Beelzebud said:
Stalker was always a series I wanted to like, but just couldn't quite get into it. The first game was just too buggy, and I found Clear Sky to be insanely difficult. The Zero Punctuation review of Clear Sky pretty much sums up my experience with that game.

the difficulty was always my favorite part of the game. straight from SoC I started on hard mode, and removed the crosshair. greatest survival experience i've ever had.

games shouldn't want you to win.
I've never thought that Stalker was too difficult.
My main problem with the game is that storytelling is kinda weak.
It could be a lot better.

My main problem with Clear Sky is that recycled maps felt stupid, that the most atmospheric places ( bunkers, undergrounds ) were gone, and that I couldn't bring myself to care about faction wars because they weren't done properly.

Oh and the fact that both games were terribly buggy...

However, I still think that the setting is incredibly good and that it just needs ONE game to turn into the greatest thing ever.

I won't buy Call of Prypiat until it hits the bargain bin though ( unless it's stable and more or less bug-free at launch but I'm not holding my breath ).
dirtbag said:
I'm okay with all anomalies...

But that telepathy-chair-tossing-Yoda is just fucking hilarious... Which would be okay in Serious Sam, but he's ruining the dark atmosphere.

Haha, yeah. The Frog guy was hilarious.
Anyway, enviroment and weather effects are well done. This game meant to be scary, and I think they've done proper steps to make it scary. S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth were the scariest and most climatic games in my opinion.

*Cheetah pawstep.*
Yeah, I already fought Dwarves in Oblivion Lost. How about some new content that modders haven't already introduced, GSC? How about some enemies that you didn't create four or five years ago? D:
That big yoda looking guy was a deleted monster from the very first game. Actually you can look around for some really great mods that add in all the originally deleted content from release. It makes the game much more interesting. Also that guy is a fucking bitch. Bullets have no effect on him if you are fighting in direct combat. You need to nade him or catch him off guard.