Stalker SoC

Don't know what everyone's problems with Clear Sky are. The game is great, even if it is a bit combat-heavy (though I also hear it was the buggiest STALKER game on its release). The repairing and upgrading system is a much-welcomed addition after Shadow of Chernobyl.
With my new PC I can finally actually play CS. And I muſt ſay, it’s actually fun to play. Conſidering that it’s alſo the reaſon why I ſwore to never buy a GSC game again, I think I need to reevaluate the ſituation :D
SoC is abſolutely aweſome if you uſe the Oblivion Loſt Mod. It enhances ſo much of the game...
Oblivion Lost is just a mashup of other's mods, as well as ripping from AMK. Look into that if you want the true "Shadow of Chernobyl experience".

Although Lost Alpha's looking pretty good.
What I am waiting for is this. Hope it will come out before I died by age.
Playing this now. Can't seem to uninvert the mouse no matter how many times I freaking check the box off so I die alot from inversion problems.

EDIT: Fixed it. Having fun now.