Star Wars.... in steampunk?

Quick question: I found this piece of art work which i thought was really cool. It obviously has nothing to do with Star wars, but i was wondering if it could pass for Steampunk? I'am still a bit confused would the gears make it Steampunk or does it lack the technological aspect? Didnt want to make a separate thread for it, but seeing how it might relate so ill post it here, enjoy.

Communism had a huge rule in the industrialization of Russia, which as I understand has a role in steampunk. There also seems to be a pattern with gears. I don't know what if it had like a Zeppelin hovering over the BK bridge?
Communism is Power of the Soviets plus Electrification that was their motto. Steam engines however, existed well before communism in England, United States and Europe. That is why i said it wouldn't make a good steampunk artwork.
Yes, but creation of Communism was caused by industrialisation and lack of worker rights.
Its possible that such ideology would be created in a steampunk universe during industrial revolution.
Dirty, my banner is not the subject of the question.

Pinky, its not my drawing and your hostility is not called for.

Blakut, Karl Marx thought that England was ready to evolve into Communism not Russia. Seeing how steam punk is an alternative reality you should take that into consideration.
No drunky, it's not. It is infact very obviously cyber punk.

Cyberpunk is green(or blue :roll:) and Steam punk is a kind of sepia tone with brass thrown in here and there.

Get your punks right drunky! Geez!


Seriously anyone else notice this?

Anyway drunky, I really would say Cyberpunk rather than steam. the gears are a minor part of the picture and the skulls are not in any way victorian. The text also suggests techy bs. The Hammer and sickle just say to me that it's a soviet style communist group(or they just want to say they are bad boyz trying to topple the gov).

Also the total lack of sepia and gratuitous use of florescent green is very obviously cyberpunk.
"But but the poncho..."

but seriously i never claimed it was steam punk, i asked if it could pass for steam punk. I thought i saw some similarities thats all.

and no, its lacking the metallic dreads to be cyber punk, you dal-ba-yob, you.

So lets just leave it at awesome.