Steam Team

Lost Metal

Olde Skull
I've noticed that there are always a couple people online in the NMA-Steam Group.

Maybe we should try to coordinate something?

What Steam-Enabled games do you all have?

I'd be willing to purchase a game or two from the Steam store if people from NMA are playing it online, or want to start playing it online.

My recommendation is Synergy, it is a free Co-Op mod for Half Life 2.

Aye i was thinking about some sort of arranged thing earlier. Many people got gmod 10, out of interest?
CS1.6 is the only game i play on steam atm (though i own several others). TF2 soon, i hope...
Waiting for a new video board for GMOD, which I have but it crashes bad like a... thing that crashes bad... because my video board has two options for drivers: 1) Old. 2) Unstable like fuck.
I'd be up for something, even though I'm pretty bad at all of the official HL/HL2 mods. I'm not sure how a multiplayer game of Garry's Mod would work, but if someone would explain it and if it doesn't require setting up dozens of key bindings I'd be up for that as well.
Well for gmod, we could of course simply build... or... Now this is going to sound immensely sad, but it actually has quite a following:

We roleplay, using a mod, we all have jobs, places of residence, stuff to, it's great fun. There is a fallout style roleplay map which includes shady sands, the enclave base, and vault 13, and the military base, a lot of fun could be had.
CS: Source isn't as good as the "old" CS sadly...

A few of us are regular L4D2 players. I also play TF2.
rcorporon said:
CS: Source isn't as good as the "old" CS sadly...

I dunno, it didn't seem much worse to me. Sure, it didn't upgrade much beyond visuals, but why would it? The game had/has a winning formula. It lacks the nostalgia-filter, but plays much like 1.6.
rcorporon said:
CS: Source isn't as good as the "old" CS sadly...
Agreed. 1.5 was my favorite though I like the Riot Shield in 1.6, partly because so many people were so bad at dealing with it. Also, I could never figure out how wall shots worked in CS:S, which really pisses me off.

rcorporon said:
A few of us are regular L4D2 players. I also play TF2.
Yep, I do both (and L4D).

Also have DoD:S, DoD, Red Orchestra, and other stuff if you look at my profile.

Ausdoerrt said:
I dunno, it didn't seem much worse to me. Sure, it didn't upgrade much beyond visuals, but why would it? The game had/has a winning formula. It lacks the nostalgia-filter, but plays much like 1.6.
Accuracy works differently (which has different effects on different weapons), maybe for the better as it seemed more random to me. As I said above, I could never figure out wall shots, which really killed how I played some maps (I love killing campers through walls, especially on Assault). They seemed to have changed some of the weapons as well, as the P228 and Mac10 went from being monster weapons for me to being mediocre. Also they removed the Shield because people were whiny bitches.

I wouldn't say it's necessarily worse but I certainly prefer classic CS to it, though it's still good.