Ugly Kid
Still Mildly Glowing

I've been trying to imagine a Fallout game in space that features various "futures" for certain factions. The futures would all collide somehow and the factions would go to war.
Let me try to explain better. There are several factions that have mentioned going to space (Enclave and House) and other factions who seem likely to go to space or are in space. An ending for New California has the Unity going to space. etc etc. Now what if, in many alternate timelines, these factions do go to space. Then somehow the timelines intertwine into one.
Now you have space-faring House up against a space-faring Enclave and more. I think a Stellaris-like formula could work great for a game like this. Though I could also see this as the "Warhammer 40k" to Fallout's "Warhammer Fantasy".
A whole new setting is created, one that may even become more popular than the first setting(again like Warhammer).
Certain factions I think could make the roster are: Mr House, Enclave, Unity, Calculator, Think Tank, Dr Presper, Zetans, some Chinese faction, South American faction (who prsopered after the great war), and maybe some more I can't think of right now,
What do you guys think about this idea? Am I on to something here? Also please expand upon this if you are interested!
Let me try to explain better. There are several factions that have mentioned going to space (Enclave and House) and other factions who seem likely to go to space or are in space. An ending for New California has the Unity going to space. etc etc. Now what if, in many alternate timelines, these factions do go to space. Then somehow the timelines intertwine into one.
Now you have space-faring House up against a space-faring Enclave and more. I think a Stellaris-like formula could work great for a game like this. Though I could also see this as the "Warhammer 40k" to Fallout's "Warhammer Fantasy".
A whole new setting is created, one that may even become more popular than the first setting(again like Warhammer).
Certain factions I think could make the roster are: Mr House, Enclave, Unity, Calculator, Think Tank, Dr Presper, Zetans, some Chinese faction, South American faction (who prsopered after the great war), and maybe some more I can't think of right now,
What do you guys think about this idea? Am I on to something here? Also please expand upon this if you are interested!