Street FIghter IV

That sounds cool, misread shoto as sodom for some reason (damn cold) and wondered how he got into SF IV :p

Thinking of getting it, me and my brother love SF games but have always been a tad crap at them.
^ :lol: bahahaha, i should think next time someone wants to use a shoto to refer to him by that name.

Shoto is just a nickname for all the characters who use Shotokan karate or a variation thereof. (Like Ryu,Ken,Akuma,Sakura, and to some extant Dan) Shoto-Clones are characters who just have the standard qcf+P or QCD+P and qcb+K moves, and fight somewhat similiar to shotos(Like sagat)

Sodom is a wannabe Japanese weaboo/trucker who uses sai's to fight

Anyways, I recommend picking up a arcade stick, as the 360 controller is HORRIBLE for this game(If your picking up an arcade stick, get the Hori Ex2, it works on pc as well as 360) plus its only around 60 bucks. 200 bucks gets you the arcade fight stick by...Mad catz.