XCOM: Enemy Unknown
What is this game?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XCOM:_Enemy_UnknownXCOM: Enemy Unknown is a turn-based tactical role-playing video game, developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games. The game is a "reimagined" remake of the 1994 cult classic strategy game UFO: Enemy Unknown (also known as X-COM: UFO Defense).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XCOM:_Enemy_UnknownThe game is set in the near future, as a global alien invasion begins.[7] Prior to the start of the game, a group of countries called the Council of Nations has banded together to create XCOM (short for Extraterrestrial Combat Unit), the most elite military and scientific organization in human history, tasked with defending them from the alien attack.[5][8] The player assumes the role of the commander of XCOM, and proceeds to engage in a war against an extraterrestrial enemy with overwhelming technological superiority.
For story: see wiki page
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XCOM:_Enemy_UnknownXCOM: Enemy Unknown puts the player in control of an elite multinational paramilitary organization called XCOM and tasked with defending the Earth. The player commands troops in the field in a series of turn-based tactical missions; between missions, the player directs the research and development of new technologies from recovered alien technology and captured prisoners, expands XCOM's base of operations, manages XCOM's finances, and monitors and responds to alien activity.
Most encounters are also random, just like they are previous Fallout games. There are some non random missions like the tuturial mission & several more challenging ones.
The environment is also fully destructible, you can blow up cover of your enemies. Which is nice & gives some nice tactical gameplay.



Turn based Strategy, with a Fallout 1 & 2 look and feel to it! If this doesn't remind you of Turn Based Combat between humans & Aliens/creatures in Fallout 2 then I don't know what will!


You make a party of Soldiers, you start of with only 4 soldiers & 2 closed slots. You upgrade each soldier individually both skills & items, skills by gaining xp during combat and the items by unlocking things in your tech tree & buying them.


Tactical overview map, You get bonusses for controlling a continent. You controll nations by sending a satelite over them (the green icon right next to a Nations name), by doing this you get income (the dollars to the right) and you get Nation dependend bonuses => for example: you get more Scientists if you take a European or Asian Nation. You can also lose Nations & their funding, this happens if the panic bars go all red.


The building tree of your facilities. Alien containmaint = for capturing & interogating Aliens. Satelite Uplink = this is what you need to build to be able to build satelites (each uplink can provide 2 sattelites, nexus give 4). Officer school = provides you with officer options like more xp per kill, increased squad size (initial squad size = 4 and can increase to 6)
What can annoy RPG fans?
Is this a real RPG like Fallout 1 & 2? No, it is more like the combination of a Hardcore RTS game (like Hearts of Iron, ...), Turn based combat game, dungeon siege game. No dalogue options.
The grey choices & "dark world of Fallout feel" are there in the sense that you have to make choices between doing missions, you can't save everyone. You need to make decisions wether you will prevent aliens from invading China, Europe or US. You may need to choose strategical in order to progres faster but at the cost of losing countries.
What makes me like it and gives brings me back to the time I was playing Fallout 1 & 2: The turn based cartoonish combat in all its glory! & the retro-futuristic setting!
This game to me gives me a feeling of what Fallout 3 also could have been like. It relieves me to see that not everything has died with Interplay at the end of Fallout 2.
Apologies for the oversized pictures, I have no idea to rescale them while using internet links