Hmm... *rubs hands together* if you don't mind RTS' or strategy games in general I'm gonna have fun with this!
Second Vote for DoW, however definitely look into the DowXP mod for Dark Crusade.
Supcom's ok if you have a beast of a machine, I really like it's construction and capture system however they could have worked on it's mineral system a bit more, not to mention it's got a few balance issues that are corrected for all but the new race in forged alliance.
For Civs I'd stick with anything before 3 and Alpha Cen, after that they get a little too top heavy for a civ game.
For other RTSes, stick with AoE 2, the colonization age sucks for an AoE game, far better in a medieval setting.
Metal Fatigue is a fun one if you don't mind that it was made in '92 by a now defunct company, it's got some interesting twists on standard RTS games, like giant robots and the ability to research enemy robot parts to make your own, plus 3 fields of combat (atmosphere, ground, and underground) with their bonuses and negatives to focusing on. It's one of the few games that I wouldn't mind seeing a re-build on because it really could use some graphic and mechanical tweaks to bring it up to snuff.
I got a good laugh out of the new Sam & Max games so you might give them a spin if you're into point and click adventure games like that.
Swashbuckler for the PS2 isn't bad, it's got customizable ships and you can attack just about any ship in the sea, no matter what their allegiance is.
Savage 2 is looking promising for a beta, it's a pseudo RTS with FPP hero players who generally act as the units aside from the builders of the game, the commander's gotta be good at giving orders though and it's severely prone to rushing at this time, hopefully it's fixed before it comes outta beta.
Dominions 3 isn't bad for game mechanics, but it's graphics suck against a '90s perspective, let alone today's graphics, plus they want a lot of cash for it, however it's diversity is unmatched compared to other TBS games.
Only one of these qualifies as a FPP game, though if you give the others a fair try I'm sure you'll find something to like about them.