Suggestions for game industry (and game) enthusiast news publications? [specifics inside]


First time out of the vault
I am sortaa asking for a specific breed of publication, not necessarily one who's authors conform to my worldview, but rather one that is not overtly trying to impress some kind of ideology on you. For example, @SkillUp might at times say something which I disagree with - but, he is obviously independent because he regularly speaks out against big institutions and publishers, the point is not that he does that, nor that I like that [even tho i do], but rather that he is not* trying to subliminally influence my thoughts at the behest of some malicious organization. he is literally just a dude. he is not* having his hands greased by publishers, or a purveyor of behavioral programming, or some other weird bullshit. he ain't a dude dressed as a dude pretending to be another dude. I wish I didn't have to expressly ask for this to get actual journalism - but that is the world we live in now, so.

once again, I DO NOT CARE about their leanings, I just want an actual independent journalist and/or journalism outfit who loves video games, and also provides commentary on the industry, like @SkillUp but text-based..

I dunno how good text based ones would be.
Seems like most things are shifting to youtube as it is a centralized hub for finding content and you can put on something and just listen to it in the background while you do other stuff. Maybe the occasional rpgcodex post? Someone ranting on here? Other than someone on a forum with too much time on their hands I don't think there are many independent "writers" about games worth giving a damn about.
I dunno how good text based ones would be.
Seems like most things are shifting to youtube as it is a centralized hub for finding content and you can put on something and just listen to it in the background while you do other stuff. Maybe the occasional rpgcodex post? Someone ranting on here? Other than someone on a forum with too much time on their hands I don't think there are many independent "writers" about games worth giving a damn about.

You are most likely right, most extant video game "blogs" look borderline ancient... so most writers must be going to greener pastures. damn shame.
IGN and Kotaku are bought off for sure.

The first gaming mag I realised was totally bent was PC Gamer ( UK version ). POE was pimped up to death for example.
The writers creamed their kecks about the original Company of Heroes whilst ' Faces of War, 2nd outing of 'Soldiers Ho WW2 was described as faeces of war and marked down.
Then again a cynical bastard like me sees virtually everything as bent as a Jamaican 4 dollar note,
GameInformer is so corrupt they get sold at the corrupt game store.
I don't like to call people sheep anymore because everyone has smelly shits .
You are most likely right, most extant video game "blogs" look borderline ancient... so most writers must be going to greener pastures. damn shame.

Yep. I feel old for remembering when magazines were still a thing and somewhat reliable. I know of retro game blogs but I doubt you mean those.

The first gaming mag I realised was totally bent was PC Gamer ( UK version ). POE was pimped up to death for example.
The writers creamed their kecks about the original Company of Heroes whilst ' Faces of War, 2nd outing of 'Soldiers Ho WW2 was described as faeces of war and marked down.
Then again a cynical bastard like me sees virtually everything as bent as a Jamaican 4 dollar note,

Damn, I used to read PC Gamer UK. I still have a couple of old issues from the 90s.
Oh, now that must be an interesting collection, what do some of those issues contain?

They are really old. You will probably won't even recognize or remember some of the games and stuff that was being discussed in them. Heh, one contained this separate booklet about games coming up in 1995 or 1996, they were really excited about games like the original Quake (or was it Quake 2?) and studios like Lucasarts, Westwoods, and Bullfrog still being around. There was even this competition between the journalists if they could put a gaming PC together for a 100 GBP, all ended up being #86 machines of some kind. A very different time compared to now.
One I have of a couple of years later was about the first Heavy Gear game coming to the PC and a preview on Wing Commander Prophecy.
