First time out of the vault

I am sortaa asking for a specific breed of publication, not necessarily one who's authors conform to my worldview, but rather one that is not overtly trying to impress some kind of ideology on you. For example, @SkillUp might at times say something which I disagree with - but, he is obviously independent because he regularly speaks out against big institutions and publishers, the point is not that he does that, nor that I like that [even tho i do], but rather that he is not* trying to subliminally influence my thoughts at the behest of some malicious organization. he is literally just a dude. he is not* having his hands greased by publishers, or a purveyor of behavioral programming, or some other weird bullshit. he ain't a dude dressed as a dude pretending to be another dude. I wish I didn't have to expressly ask for this to get actual journalism - but that is the world we live in now, so.
once again, I DO NOT CARE about their leanings, I just want an actual independent journalist and/or journalism outfit who loves video games, and also provides commentary on the industry, like @SkillUp but text-based..
once again, I DO NOT CARE about their leanings, I just want an actual independent journalist and/or journalism outfit who loves video games, and also provides commentary on the industry, like @SkillUp but text-based..