Suggestions for implementation by someone with skill.


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
Ok I have literally two steps above zero coding experience so I know all of these are not feasible by me alone, and definatly not sure if some of them are feasible at all.

So I'm going to throw out a couple of ideas that I have for changes and maybe someone with some experience moding Oblivion can tell me if assuming FO3 is the same level of modifiable than my idea could be or could not be implemented.

First I will directly post some of my ideas for improvement that I posted in a review in general discussion:

• Increase the level cap and increase the amount of experience required to level.
• Allow you to customize your characters body type (height/weight/shoulders/cup size/waist size/scars)
• Increase the amount that crippled limbs affect the game (why can I cripple both of an enemies arms and yet he can still use a SMG? Or why is it that if I cripple one arm and he drops his gun that within a few seconds he can pick it up again and start using it even though his arms are crippled? And crippling peoples legs don’t slow them enough, and crippled heads don’t affect their aiming too much either.)
• Why can’t I open any car trunks? That’s such a minor thing that still bugs me, that none of the cars in the game have trunks.
• Increase the amount of situations you can use diplomacy to get through
• Allow for more than 1 marker to be placed at a time so that you can in affect create a pathway to follow. (A to B to C to D)
• Rather than simply having the fast travel system being instant except for a loading screen, when you select a place for quick travel you get the classic dashed line showing you traveling from the point you are at to the point you selected, they could even use that time to be loading the area you selected to quick travel to! This is a minor issue that I feel would have been a nice throwback to the originals.
• More music
• More companions (and hopefully more than 1 at a time)
• More extensive gibbing system, while the current one in affect isn’t BAD per se, its just repetitive. I feel there is a simple solution to this issue, have 3-4 different gibbing animations for each body part and have the game choose one either randomly, or have it choose one based off the damage of the shot (more damaging shot = more gruesome gib). Here is an example, 3 different ‘head shot’ animations(not including the current decapitation one)
1. Shot takes of a chunk of his head (similar to the torso removal in FO1-2)
2. Shot causes his head to flat out explode, leaving behind gibs but no actual head
3. The back of the head explodes outward leaving a gaping hole in the back of the head but the front is relatively intouched.

Ok now for some ones I've come up with since then:

Multiple Ammo Types (adding affects to each differant ammo type, Armor Piercing, Radioactive, Incindary, Explosive to name a few)

Removal of falling damage for non-hostile npcs.

Alternate firing modes for weapons (burst/singleshot/automatic/2shots at once for the shotguns, ect.)

Destructible environment, specifically locked doors.

I know everyone and their grandma wants this: All NPCs able to be killed.

City to City Karma and overall karma.

This is an easy one, if its not allready in, a Vault 13 vault suit. :)

Also, Item descriptions!
I'm with you 110%. I'm sad to say that I'm also an 'idea person' who understands the mechanics of how things could potentially be implemented, but knows precisely dick about how to actually make it reality. That said, there's already a sticky thread where we're all tossing out our ideas. Only five pages so far, so it's not too much of a monster to read. Mind if I cross-quote you over there?
I know everyone and their grandma wants this: All NPCs able to be killed.

That one is easy. I posted how to do that in another thread a few days ago. It's the same as how it was done for Oblivion. I played through half the game like it without any problems that I know about.


Inside the folder : \My Documents\My Games\Fallout3

Open file FALLOUT.ini

search for 'bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath=1' and change to 0

and 'bEssentialTakeNoDamage=1' and change to 0