Suggestions to Welsh on Graphic Novels

Bradylama said:
Then why not suggest the Sandman comics? The issue when Morpheus inspired Shakespeare to write A Midsummer Night's Dream received a pulitzer for best short story. In fact, its the reason that comic books can't receive Pulitzers anymore. =/

I don't think this is correct. He won a World Fantasy Award for that, but I couldn't find any information about a Pulitzer, and indeed found an article saying Gaiman couldn't have won a Pulitzer because it's only for Americans. (He lives there now, didn't then.) Maybe you're confusing this with Alan Moore who won an "Other Forms" Hugo for Watchmen, resulting in some controversy but not, I think, a change in the rules (at any rate comics are eligible for the "Related Works" category today).

As for comic gold, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison are the holy trinity. There are tons of good stuff out there, but recommendations are tricky; latter-time Cerebus is not the for beginner. And the comic which had the most profound effect on my life is a sappy fantasy comic: Elfquest.
I'm pretty sure Neil Gaiman is coming to speak in my town soon, for some police department function.

Should be cool, if it happens.