Hello all. I just start my mod that I was almost finished 6 years ago. Like I said in one of my previous posts I always want it to play like super mutant and be stronger , slow unstoppable low intelligent green giant
But I need to ask few things. I read FAQ and Modding section but didn't find what I look for.
1. I am familiar with graphics system in FO. So my problems is that Super Mutant can't hold small guns, pistols, knifes etc...
So I am in searching for two solution:
a) Can I somehow "tell" the game for example to use BIG GUNS frames of Super Mutant when the player equip for example pistols or rifles? Is that possible to do? and if yes , how?
(I know a way by exporting frames and then rename them with proper name, but I think this way is not the best , so I ask someone that is more advanced.)
b) I create new inventory from scratch (which means that none of any existing armor is touched and changed by any way) with some nice utility that I download it from here, I add graphics, I tell to be armor, I also did when armor is equipped to add more damage to HtH which is understandable.
The problem here is that I want somehow to add this item in one of the maps , for example in military base near V13 or anywhere in the game? How I can do that without changing anything else? Do I need some map edit and is fallout maps open for edit or they are compiled and not editable?
c) is there any chance to find some guy (Pixote ?) that can help to make S. Mutant frame to hold shotguns, knifes , pistols etc. I know this is one of the most if not the most hard part .
Thanks for watching, I wait your suggestions. All best.

But I need to ask few things. I read FAQ and Modding section but didn't find what I look for.
1. I am familiar with graphics system in FO. So my problems is that Super Mutant can't hold small guns, pistols, knifes etc...
So I am in searching for two solution:
a) Can I somehow "tell" the game for example to use BIG GUNS frames of Super Mutant when the player equip for example pistols or rifles? Is that possible to do? and if yes , how?
(I know a way by exporting frames and then rename them with proper name, but I think this way is not the best , so I ask someone that is more advanced.)
b) I create new inventory from scratch (which means that none of any existing armor is touched and changed by any way) with some nice utility that I download it from here, I add graphics, I tell to be armor, I also did when armor is equipped to add more damage to HtH which is understandable.
The problem here is that I want somehow to add this item in one of the maps , for example in military base near V13 or anywhere in the game? How I can do that without changing anything else? Do I need some map edit and is fallout maps open for edit or they are compiled and not editable?
c) is there any chance to find some guy (Pixote ?) that can help to make S. Mutant frame to hold shotguns, knifes , pistols etc. I know this is one of the most if not the most hard part .
Thanks for watching, I wait your suggestions. All best.