Super Mutant Serum (demo mod)


First time out of the vault
Hello all. I just start my mod that I was almost finished 6 years ago. Like I said in one of my previous posts I always want it to play like super mutant and be stronger , slow unstoppable low intelligent green giant :)

But I need to ask few things. I read FAQ and Modding section but didn't find what I look for.

1. I am familiar with graphics system in FO. So my problems is that Super Mutant can't hold small guns, pistols, knifes etc...

So I am in searching for two solution:

a) Can I somehow "tell" the game for example to use BIG GUNS frames of Super Mutant when the player equip for example pistols or rifles? Is that possible to do? and if yes , how?
(I know a way by exporting frames and then rename them with proper name, but I think this way is not the best , so I ask someone that is more advanced.)

b) I create new inventory from scratch (which means that none of any existing armor is touched and changed by any way) with some nice utility that I download it from here, I add graphics, I tell to be armor, I also did when armor is equipped to add more damage to HtH which is understandable.
The problem here is that I want somehow to add this item in one of the maps , for example in military base near V13 or anywhere in the game? How I can do that without changing anything else? Do I need some map edit and is fallout maps open for edit or they are compiled and not editable?


c) is there any chance to find some guy (Pixote ?) that can help to make S. Mutant frame to hold shotguns, knifes , pistols etc. I know this is one of the most if not the most hard part .

Thanks for watching, I wait your suggestions. All best.

There was a mod being discussed a while back to allow the player to potentially play as a ghoul or supermutant. (Good luck finding it.)

Anyway, we talked about this issue. Playing as a supermutant should prevent the player from using certain weapons anyway. No way a supermutant could hold a pistol with gargantuan hands, for example.

The method you mentioned of copying and renaming the files is probably the best method for your situation... if you still want a supermutant to wield those smaller weapons, I mean. If you tried to fix the issue by changing the weapon type in the proto files, you will have a big problem because then the other critters won't be able to use the weapons properly.

If you are concerned about game crashing, because the weapon has been equipped even though the supermutant can't really hold it, that was another issue that can easily be gotten around by some simple scripting (also mentioned in that other thread).

Also, if you use the official Fallout Editor, you can add your items to any maps without any problems. It really is quite easy, with plenty of tutorials available on the subject.
Thanks for replay.

No , I'll not changing proto items will be stupid and will ruin all the game. I will most probably try to fix files names to fill "gaps" in missing graphics. Yes, will not be cool to equip pistol or SMG and to be show as Big Gun weapon , but anyway will be cool , plus of this stuff that will not change or replace anything. Thanks for the info btw.

PS. I downloaded your MEGAMOD but , missing some kind of DLL at the end of installation :( May be my windows is bugged.
Thanks to MIB88 comment I would be able to finish. I think by this:

FEV Virus will be added in one of the lockers in military bass.
Also I should check (becuase I don't remeber ) if there is more unique looking super mutant frames , I don't want people who play to get confused with Marcus frames. I should think about that.

Also I will make Made Man suit mode, lot of missing frames there about this mobster critter but I should think something. Will be available to buy this kind of armor after become made man. will be cool.
It would be better to build a script that prevents the Mutant holding any weapon that would be considered too small for its hands - knife, pistol, SMG, rifle. The idea is good but the reality is this mod would be very difficult to pull off successfully. :wink:
Thanks guys. I read about idea of Wild_Qwerty (or whatever his name was) I am agree with Pixote, bad news is that I SUCK at scripting and don't know nothing . I am ok with the idea about restriction for using weapons but I don't know how to achieve. If someone can help with this , I will complete the rest of the work. Making new frames looking to hard if not impossible . I read something about importing critter from FOT but somehow I think that will not fit to F2 atmosphere. So restricting weapons is best choice so far.

The reason I want to make this possible , is simply becuase is never done it completely so far. Also one of my friend here in my country have a site about FO stuff and he didn't believe that I can do mod (even very simple) , original idea about this mode came 6 years ago.* I just want to finish it and without bugs :) I hope you can give little help.

* I watched trailer of F2, it was very long time ago (maybe 1998-9 ) the video was with very bad quality. I see player wearing this new power armor (low video resulotion make me believe that this is super mutant and in some point in F2 you can play with that i was

:crazy: : ) then I rewatched video and pay attention that is not super mutant , but a brand new armor .

When the game comes out, i still have my believe that you can change yourself to mutie. but no luck :)
so now this is possible to make.

For giggles...

Idiotfool said:
For giggles...

Vault suit must be destroyed in transformation if material is not very elastic.
Good idea and sketch.
If add this to FEV syringe, "normal" human form can be one of Gecko ghouls in Vault Suits. Not that sexy tribal. :)
Ha. Like this frames.

another idea come to my mind,
if I make to made FEV serum without any bugs and missing animations etc..
problem could be vault city? will be stupid to enter VC without any problems when you are mutant.

notice: I pay attention to something , when you are not VC Citizen they always told you to leave all medicaments away, when you become citizen this is not much of problem, another thing,
you are already vault city citizen , but when you become mutant you lose their trust and then they are not allow you to visit VC unless you pull out this stuff from your body and become normal again.
in any case something must done about it, I should think. any ideas are welcome.
Well, just like in Fallout 2, you can always call on your holy V13 vault-suit, I bet Lynette & Co. would be very interested to hear your story.

This would need a few extra dialog options for some VC NPCs, and some good explanations. Although VC counts as bigotry capital in the known wasteland, I bet they would make exception for just one person, for the sake of his/her 'vault origins', or for the sake of science (Dr. Troy may start working some analysis on you, a small quest instead of donating sperm - just one basic example). Or for any other credible reason.
.Pixote. said:
It would be better to build a script that prevents the Mutant holding any weapon that would be considered too small for its hands - knife, pistol, SMG, rifle. The idea is good but the reality is this mod would be very difficult to pull off successfully. :wink:

holder80 said:
Thanks guys. I read about idea of Wild_Qwerty (or whatever his name was) I am agree with Pixote, bad news is that I SUCK at scripting and don't know nothing . I am ok with the idea about restriction for using weapons but I don't know how to achieve.

Read the thread I posted the link to. Restricting weapons can be done. It has been tested and works. The code is there and isn't hard to implement at all.

What is not there, holder80, is how to take apart scripts and then put them back together (decompiling and compiling). Plenty of tutorials on that, though.
Hi MIB88 , Yes I read all stuff about the script for restricting weapons, but I already think about two issues:

first like I said, I am far away from scripting/compiling thinks and programming at all . sorry for that :(

second issues, if I manage to do this I want to be compatible with Restoration Project/Megamod, I don't want to make unusable stuff I hope you get what I mean.

Anyway, I should read about scripts and compile/decompile stuff, and should see what I can do,

@Lisac - Your Idea is very good about additional quests and more dialogs with high officials in VC.
holder80 said:
...first like I said, I am far away from scripting/compiling thinks and programming at all . sorry for that :(

second issues, if I manage to do this I want to be compatible with Restoration Project/Megamod, I don't want to make unusable stuff I hope you get what I mean.

Nothing at all to apologize for. Everyone has to start somewhere.

And as for compatibility with the Megamod, other than Nirran's work and Magnus's weapon mod, I can't think of any other mods that were initially compatible with it. Besides, that's how I saw my role: take a mod and make it fit. ;)
I don't think that it fits within the scope of the Restoration Project, though. You might want to ask Killap and others in the community if it is something that could/would/should be included. Once you do start this project, though, I think you should at least make it compatible with Killap's latest patch so that other people can play it without necessarily forcing them to play the Megamod.